Yearly Archives: 2012

DHS Looking Outside the Box for Hackers, Feds Warm Up to the Cloud, and More

Here is today’s federal cybersecurity and information technology news: As many security experts suspected, the Apple device ID’s that Anonymous claimed came from a Federal Bureau of Investigation agent’s hacked laptop actually came from the hack of an application development company. More here. A new survey finds that although much of federal information technology hasRead… Read more »

Secret: The Top 7 Undisclosed Benefits of Telework

Photo credit: citrixonline from Flickr We often hear about the benefits of teleworking (e.g., cost savings, gas, more mobile workforce, etc), but what people don’t always tell you are those undisclosed benefits that you don’t realize until you actually telework regularly. I’ve been teleworking for about one month now. I do 2 days in theRead… Read more »

Rules Baytus

The term for someone fascinated with rules, not changing outcomes, obsessing over imagined possible violations. A spectator at life. Their work product is a shifting, unprioritized list of what could go wrong, real and imagined. It’s a task that doesn’t ever need to end, a full time occupation without effort. I was playing in aRead… Read more »

How to give and receive feedback — it’s not as easy as you think

The dreaded 360 degree review — it’s the one time of year many of you get feedback from your leaders. But maybe that’s the problem? “It shouldn’t be a once or twice a year event,” said Tom Fox, “you need to give feedback in real time so that employees can actually alter their behavior.” FoxRead… Read more »

Mapping a Customer’s Journey: An Exercise to Benefit Any Business Selling to Government

As the D.C. business community is dealing with many challenges these days, it is always good to keep all of your customer service capabilities as sharp as possible. With fewer dollars to chase, the competition is getting very stiff and contractors need to embrace new ideas for keeping government customers happy. I recently had theRead… Read more »

Tumbln into Tumblr: 7 Reasons it Hits a Social Media “Sweet Spot”

If you haven’t considered adding Tumblr to your social media portfolio yet, my latest blog post offers seven reasons why it hits a “sweet spot” for established individual and organizational users, complementing and augmenting engagement on other platforms in unique and effective ways. Additional reasons are welcome. Tumblr. Follow the world’s creators. That’s how TumblrRead… Read more »

Ten Things Your Boss Should Be Saying to You

In my last post, I talked about the ten things you should be saying to your boss. Now it’s time to look at the other side and share ten things that your boss should be saying to you. “What do you think?” Your boss should value your opinion and contributions and frequently ask for yourRead… Read more »