Yearly Archives: 2012

Disaster Intervention Strategy: A Team Effort with local, state, federal and NGOs

Just hours after the Joplin tornado tore through Joplin, Missouri, an experienced team of Americorps and Senior Corps arrived in the devastated town and began relief efforts. Within three days, the Americorps and Senior Corps team had reached 200; by one month: 300. These members were crucial in directing and managing the 60,000 volunteers thatRead… Read more »

Panel Discussion at MicroPact 462 Conference: Social Media and EEO Policy

On Wednesday, I will be sitting on a panel for MicroPact’s 462 10th Annual Conference: The Changing Landscape on EEO in the Federal Workplace. Speaking at events like this are typically one of my favorite parts of my job – it’s always great to connect directly with government employees to really learn first hand aboutRead… Read more »

Pre-conference activities offered up by NCDD Seattle attendees

For this year’s NCDD conference, we’re encouraging attendees to self-organize workshops and gatherings on the day before the conference, and the list of options is growing! Check out the current list of pre-conference activities that have been popping up at At this point, you can participate in workshops on Methods Mapping with the GroupRead… Read more »

Lies, Damned Lies, and Open Data

I have an article titles Lies, Damn Lies and Open Data in Slate Magazine as part of their Future Tense series. Here, for me, is the core point: On the surface, the open data movement was about who could access and use government data. It rested on the idea that data was as much aRead… Read more »

Run your IT organization like a business

The current economic climate has put a particular emphasis on the efficiency and effectiveness of organizational projects and IT portfolios. Programs and projects that are unable to demonstrate a reasonable return on investment are being punished, and in many cases rightfully so. Unfortunately or fortunately, depending on your particular vantage point, management’s axe is fallingRead… Read more »

The Impact of Health IT and What it Means for You

“Oh yeah, I totally understand the health care system and the role that I, as well as doctors, nurses and other medical staff interact on my behalf” – No One. Let’s face it, the health care system hasn’t been something that any of us would call easy to understand or even a comfortable experience. BetweenRead… Read more »

Call for Comments to the EEOC’s new strategic plan due 9/18

It seems that change is afoot. The EEOC is seeking public comments (see below) on a proposed new strategic plan that it hopes will be more effective than the EEOC’s prior practice of filing individual lawsuits against select employers. In its new plan, the EEOC says it will strategically attack practices and issues that adverselyRead… Read more »

Monday Pick Me Up

After a Labor Day hiatus, we are back. With none other than “The Work Song” by Corbin/Hanner. Original post

Public Administration SolveAthon

What if you could create the innovation that is most exciting to you, not just work the project your boss wants? What if you could collaborate with a team of enthusiastic colleagues, not some people who care and some who couldn’t care less? What if you could show off your skills in front of theRead… Read more »