Yearly Archives: 2012

A Missed Leadership Opportunity

Moments ago the Breaking News appeared in my inbox: Susan Rice has withdrawn her candidacy to be President Obama’s next Secretary of State. It goes without saying that the position is not only the pinnacle of a diplomat’s career it is the opportunity to bring about great change on a global scale. I have neverRead… Read more »

Announcing: Winners of the Race for Reuse

Meet Eddie. He’s an 8-year-old contributor to ToledoWiki, a new hyper-local information platform that’s serving Toledo, Ohio. After asking the first question at the community event for ToledoWiki he set to work on his Dad’s iPad creating a wiki page for his elementary school. Eddie is one among the 631 users that have registered forRead… Read more »

Could Sequestration Impact Your COLA? Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: NASA CIO Linda Cureton tops the list of most social savvy CIOs. But she’s not just a master of Twitter, she is also a Cloud Computing pioneer. Cureton sat down for our first ever Google Plus hangout interview to talk about the Tech Trends in 2012. Click here for the fullRead… Read more »

Is Government the Best Place to Work? – Maybe Not

All year we’ve been talking about how low employee morale is plaguing agencies. Pay freezes, budget cuts and the partisan debate over the value of feds’ work has led to a steady decline in employee morale and an ebbing commitment. In fact, the Partnership for Public Service’s annual Best Places to Work survey saw employeeRead… Read more »

Brigade Spotlight: Bmore Pipeline

Andrew Coy talks about Race for Reuse, his work at the Digital Harbor Foundation, and why technology needs a “little league.” Imagine you run into a friend you haven’t spoken with since 2009. What’s the quickest way you’d update them on your life? I am as passionate and driven to solve the most difficult problemsRead… Read more »

Dale Meyerrose on Organizational Transformation

Today’s post is part of the MB&A Executive Series: On Organizational Transformation. We will be running this series on Thursdays through the holiday season starting with the Honorable Dale Meyerrose, Major General, U.S. Air Force retired. Dale Meyerrose is president of the MeyerRose Group, LLC, a company that consults with a wide range of business,Read… Read more »

Midwest Local Wikimania!

Hi, I’m Brian. I lived in a cool neighborhood in Toledo, Ohio before coming to Champaign-Urbana for work and school at the University of Illinois. As a founding member of both and, I’m in a good position to provide a brief sketch of these projects. Both Champaign-Urbana and Toledo have folks celebrating andRead… Read more »

“Goodnight Sweet Possum.” Participatory Urbanism the Boston Way

As we become an increasingly urban species the challenges related to growing numbers of people occupying finite spaces becomes an acute concern. The friction generated as we rub elbows can make us all uncomfortable. I found out at an event last week that when it comes to moderating these challenges while running the sixth mostRead… Read more »

Using Innovation as a Business Decision Tool

This blog post was originally published at Management Concepts Program & Project Perspectives blog. Author: Lowell Dye Using Innovation as a Business Decision Tool In this rapidly changing environment, organizations continuously stress the need for innovation. Therefore, innovation needs to be viewed from a long-term perspective and must be a component in every organization’s strategicRead… Read more »