Yearly Archives: 2012

60,000 Strong

Wow – this week we hit a new milestone as Santiago Hernandez of Department of Justice in Corpus Christi, Texas became the 60,000th member on GovLoop. All I can say is – that’s awesome. You rock! GovLoop is nothing without you. I appreciate your work everyday sharing and learning on how to improve and innovateRead… Read more »

Election 2012: Recovery Rooms and Party Platforms

BEHAVIORAL HEALTHCARE September 5, 2012 by Ron Manderscheid 0 Comments Share on facebookShare on linkedinShare on twitterShare on google | More Sharing ServicesShare | Print The Coalition for Whole Health has undertaken key election tasks this year With the annual demarcation of the Labor Day Holiday, Election 2012 is now in full swing. As inRead… Read more »

Social Media: Will the Bubble Burst?

Conventional wisdom among many stock market analysts used to be that highly successful social media companies such as Facebook, Groupon and others would fare well in the U.S. stock market. Yet, surprisingly, just the opposite has occurred in many instances invovling the largest and most successful social media sites. Some social media outfits have seenRead… Read more »

Predicting the internet

Here is a fun piece by The Next Web highlighting a variety of predictions that were made regarding the internet, some dating as far back as 1969. I love retrospectives like this because they are a good way to learn how to make better predictions and, as a result, better decisions. Don’t be one ofRead… Read more »

RightClick 2012 round-up

I attended and keynoted RightClick 2012 yesterday in Perth and wanted to share my notes, which I presented as a round-up at the event, as well as my presentation. It was a good event, with an excellent turn-out of WA public servants. From the feedback I overheard, the attendees were pretty happy with the event.Read… Read more »

One week to NAGW! Can’t wait.

In just one week, I’m heading to NAGW’s 10th National Conference, which begins Wednesday, September 12 in Kansas City. I can’t wait. I always come back so fired up, and full of new ideas. If you’re like me, and want to get the most out of the conference, you’ll attend a couple of pre-conference sessionsRead… Read more »

Are 35 Town Government Committees, Too Many?

Committees/boards are a necessary evil for most organizations as a way to focus efforts and get things done. Local governments have a lot of committees/boards, for example the Town of Amhers, NY (population 122,000) has 35 of them. The Town of Tonawanda, NY (population 73,500) has 28 committees/boards. I don’t know what the right numberRead… Read more »