Yearly Archives: 2012

How First Amendment Rights Impact Public Sector Employees and Social Media

Last month, I wrote about the importance of government employees and the Hatch Act. Today, I wanted to spend some time talking about Freedom of Speech and what kind of protections public sector employees are entitled to under the First Amendment. Over the years, Courts have made a clear distinction between the rights entitled toRead… Read more »

CFC Recognizes Its Heroes Within the Federal Government

Today, at the Combined Federal Campaign of the National Capital Area (CFCNCA) 2012 Campaign Kickoff, the organization recognized two outstanding public servants that have helped make the Campaign successful through their Hero Awards. The Award winners were Edward Gingold of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), and Lieutenant Commander Michael Edwards of the U.S. CoastRead… Read more »

The Legend of Bagger Vance

I’m reading The Legend of Bagger Vance by Steven Pressfield (in the movie Will Smith plays Bagger and Matt Damon plays the golfer) which is about a mystic caddy and has-been golf champion. The story is told and retold over time and has become a legend. Within the community everyone knows about Bagger, his oddRead… Read more »

DorobekINSIDER: Recapping the DNC and the 7 stories you need to know

On today’s program E-government — the term has been evolving for years and it is increasingly key to how agencies accomplish their mission. But there aren’t universal best practices. Now there’s a new book out on the issue. You’ll hear from the author. It’s been a rough few months for federal employees. But there wereRead… Read more »

Create a Social Community of Trust Along With Your Digital Services Governance Framework

The Digital Services Governance Recommendations were recently released, supporting the US Federal Government’s Digital Government Strategy Milestone Action #4.2 to establish agency-wide governance structures for developing and delivering digital services. Figure 1 – From: “Digital Services Governance Recommendations” While extremely important from a policy and procedure perspective within an Agency’s information management and communications enterprise,Read… Read more »

Chasing Dragons and Dreamers

If you haven’t seen the 2011 documentary Chasing Madoff or read Harry Markopoulos’ book that the film was based on, No One Would Listen: A True Financial Thriller, you might not appreciate the risks and costs of his whistleblower heroism. Knowing that the dragon was slain and Mr. Markopolos and his family survived – heRead… Read more »

It’s Not About The Pay, It’s About The Passion

In my last post, I wrote about disengaged, yet loyal, employees. I received several comments from readers and colleagues about the message contained in that article. Some wanted to know more about the personal experience that I included in the article, others questioned who would stay in a job that they didn’t enjoy, and severalRead… Read more »

The FBI Denies Being Hacked and Tracking Apple Devices, DISA’s Five Year Strategic Plan, and More

Here is today’s federal cybersecurity and information technology news: The Federal Bureau of Investigation denies that one of their laptops had been hacked by AntiSec and that the file of 12 million Apple device IDs they claim to have leaked even existed. More here. The Defense Information Systems Agency released its strategic plan for 2013-2018Read… Read more »