Yearly Archives: 2012

Stealth IT: Ninjas In The Workplace

The highly empowered mobile user is a disruptive trend most enterprises have yet to come to grips with. This is causing huge changes in enterprises. Friends at Wikibon, the awesome open research and collaboration site, have produced an infographic that helps capture some key dimensions of this trend. It is embedded below: Via: Wikibon InfographicsRead… Read more »

Interesting elsewhere – 4 September 2012

Things which caught my eye elsewhere on the web The Information Needs of the Indoctrinated Audience In any web project, the glamour audience that gets all the attention is the new audience – the previously unknown visitors that know little about you, and need to learn from scratch. We spend so much time on theseRead… Read more »

Gartner’s 2012 Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies

Since 1995, Gartner has been tracking the development and adoption of new technologies by plotting them on their Hype Cycle, updated yearly. Last month, they released their 2012 Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies, plotting the progress of some of the hottest disruptive technologies and trends. The idea behind the Hype Cycle is that most newRead… Read more »

DorobekINSIDER: What the Democratic Platform says about government and your 7 stories

We are tweaking the format of our program a bit starting today. Rather than posting an hour long show, we will post each part of the program individually. Our goal remains helping you do your job better, and that will continue to be our paramount focus. We continue to work on new ways to provideRead… Read more »

White House, Open Source, & Mobile Government

***Interested in learning more about Mobile Government? RSVP for our Mobile Government training session at our free GovLoop Online Innovator’s Summit** Wanting to build a mobile app for your agency but don’t know where to start? Today, the White House relaunched their mobile platform (mobile web, mobile apps, tablet apps) and open-sourced their iPhone andRead… Read more » post: How to Engage the Public to Promote Your Mission

[I wrote this post for where it was published today] While everyone is watching the social media memes erupting on Twitter and Facebook around the presidential campaigns, the question remains how social media can enhance governing to provide regular government operations with a human face. In my conversations with social media directors I hearRead… Read more »

Duplicative Contracts Create Confusion and Uncertainty

Contract duplication is one of the central strategic acquisition challenges facing the Federal Government and its contractors. Contract duplication (i.e. many contracts for the same and/or similar services and products across the federal enterprise) unnecessarily increases government and contractor administrative, bid and proposal, and other overhead costs. These unnecessary costs are ultimately borne by theRead… Read more »

Dr. Kevin Desouza’s “ Using Competitions and Awards to Spur Innovation”

This post was written by Dan Chenok, and originally appeared on theIBM Center for the Business of Government Blog. Kevin C. Desouza’s “ Using Competitions and Awards to Spur Innovation,” examines the cross-government electronic platform,, through which agencies can pose problems and challenge the public to provide solutions. Cutting-edge government leaders are constantly seekingRead… Read more »