Yearly Archives: 2012

Project Green Government – Financial and Environmental Sense

Governments around the world continue to realize the win-win benefits that come from lean and green technologies and practices. Frankly, I think we’re all catching on a little slowly, but things are starting to look promising. In this story from the Israel Ministry of Environmental Protection, they started out with a set of pilot projectsRead… Read more »

Unsustainable Government – #gov20

Time to move past where we were built and into what we could be – #PaaS #Gov20 Queensland in Australia is struggling amidst an unsustainable government technology posture. It developed over decades. It must end now. The problem is highlighted in a discussion over the first round of job cuts that will result from braveRead… Read more »

“Convention Without Walls” banks on “cord cutters”

This election season social media is driving much of the conversation – whether real-time online fact checking during the GOP convention speeches or fast and furious responses to statements made on a candidate’s website: the online community crowd-sources responses and the candidates have trouble controlling the message. This should not come as a surprise toRead… Read more »

The Local GDS question – again…

Last Friday evening conversation started on twitter about a local GDS, the why, what, how, who, where etc. Now I didn’t have too much time to get involved in the conversation on twitter, although I did post a comment on Ben Proctors blog post on Friday evening – I would have contributed more but wasRead… Read more »

Labor Day Game Day Matchup – From Your Bureaurcrat On Sports at Govloop, the Hokie Guru

Happy Monday, Govloopers – where ever you are, we hope you have a Happy Labor Day!! Just so you know, here’s the history of Labor Day. This is the day we celebrate the American Worker, including all of those in the public, private, and non-profit sectors. We’ve made this the greatest country in world. AndRead… Read more »

Defining Work-Life Balance in a Digital/Mobile World

The 21st century explosion of information technology has had a major impact in the American workplace and is swiftly redefining the traditional work-life balance in fundamental ways. As government employees (govies), we are becoming increasingly dependent on mobile/digital technology to get our jobs done. In due time, it may be the only way we work.Read… Read more »

Public Sector Design – Design & Thinking Screening

Heard about design and design thinking but not sure what it is or what it has to do with the work of the public service? Interested in design but want to know more? Want to meet others interested in design in the public sector? I’ve just learnt about a great upcoming event that is beingRead… Read more »

Best Tips for Blogging

If my life were a fable, it would be the story where our heroine searches high and low for books on social media and web presence that go well beyond the basics, yet aren’t too technical for a general reader to understand. There she would be, sitting on the threshing floor sifting through a mountainRead… Read more »

Thank a Union Member for the Good Life You Have

Join Your Friends and Neighbors in the Labor Day Parade On Monday September 3, Americans will observe the 131st Labor Day celebration. The Allegheny County Labor Council will host its 31st consecutive parade downtown. Pittsburgh’s parade is one of the largest Labor Day events in the United States, with nearly 200 groups and 80,000 peopleRead… Read more »