Yearly Archives: 2012

Mentoring for Success

By Kathryn Stokes, NAGC Board member and Strategic Affairs Officer/Public Relations Manager at the Mississippi Department of Employment Security Anyone who knows me understands I have been around a few blocks in my career. I am neither a longtime communications professional, nor am I a lifetime public servant. Although I have held many titles inRead… Read more »

Register now for the next Canberra Gov 2.0 free lunchtime event – 19 September 2012

It’s time to register for the next (free) Government 2.0 lunchtime event in Canberra – this time featuring Matthew Gordon from and Gina Beschorner from the Department of Human Services. Matthew will be talking aboutOurSay’s approach to public engagement in government and business decision making, drawing upon experiences holding forums with government agencies, politicalRead… Read more »

Strategies to Get Through Writers Block

We’ve all been there, staring at a blank document or sheet of paper, trying to get started writing a blog, essay or a report. It’s one of the most frustrating feelings, and when pressed up against deadlines, the anxiety to produce increases. Over the last few months, I’ve been writing, researching, blogging quite a bitRead… Read more »

NASA’s Android-Powered Satellite, Navy Cybersecurity Scholarships, and More

Here is today’s federal cybersecurity and information technology news: NASA’s PhoneSat, a 2 poind 10 ounce nanosatelite to be launched in October. will be powered by an HTC Nexus One and Samsung Nexus S Android phones. More here. The Federal Aviation Administration launched a government-industry working group to determine whether more electronic devices can beRead… Read more »

Campaigning for the future — Samuel Lovett takes on Rhode Island

It’s election season and like many American’s I am tired of all the nasty campaign ads splattered across my TV. Both Democrats and Republicans are guilty of slinging mud and focusing on non-issues. It gets so bad sometimes that its hard to focus on the real issues. But then you meet someone — someone likeRead… Read more »

Recruitment 411: What kind of Work you Want May Dictate Where you Live

Eric Erickson is giving Julie a break from blogging. He is Julie’s communication colleague from Atlanta, one of the best cities to find a job in the federal government. They say everything is bigger in Texas – and that includes the job market. Earlier this year, Forbes released its list of the best cities forRead… Read more »

USDA: Another Federal Agency Seeks Input on Digital Strategy

By Dennis D. McDonald The U.S. Department of Agriculture has joined other Federal agencies in seeking input on how to proceed with development of its “digital strategy.” In Seeking Your Input for USDA’s Digital Strategy the USDA’s Amanda Eamich lists for comment 5 “first-move candidates” to make available as web Application Programming Interfaces (APIs): WorldRead… Read more »

Reforming the Public Service System?

Public administrators are facing the same challenges throughout the United States. Leading public organizations at all levels, lean, even effective and efficient public service and programs, are hearing public outcry to eliminate wasteful spending on programs and services during the current economic crisis. This outcry is making the news headlines on a continuous basis. Instantly,Read… Read more »

“Quick Win”

Day 1 of being in Santa Cruz, Calif. The maps around city hall are confusing, out of date, and the display cases are fogged up: City’s website is no better: CfA January training: “Look for quick wins.” I make a google map with all the city offices and their hours. I also draw a printableRead… Read more »