Yearly Archives: 2012

Issue of the Week: Is it groundhog day? – A serious look at the latest conference scandal?

Welcome to GovLoop Insights Issue of the Week where each week, our goal is to find an issue — a person — an idea — then helped define the past 7-days… and we work to find an issue that will also will have an impact on the days, weeks and months ahead. And, as always,Read… Read more »

DHS Rule Protects Small Business? Think Again.

Federal Computer Week reported on a proposed change to the Homeland Security Acquisition Regulation, the supplement to the Federal Acquisition Regulation by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), in order to help small businesses fend off rapacious primes contractors from “windfall” payments on Time and Materials contracts. “Help” like this is not desired by smallRead… Read more »

Lessons Learned from the UK: Kent Police Department

Cisco recently shared a report about the Kent Police Department in the United Kingdom. The case study shows the power and importance of improved communication for police departments, and highlights the benefits of improved communication initiatives. The case study was interesting to read through, and to consider some lessons learned that we could apply hereRead… Read more »

DC Workers Repaid Furlough Days, Thanks to AFGE District 14

District 14 National Vice President Dwight Bowman (pictured) and AFGE led the charge to ensure D.C. government employees were reimbursed for furlough days. District of Columbia government workers will finally be getting paid for the furlough days that they were forced to take last year thanks to efforts by the American Federation of Government EmployeesRead… Read more »

DARPA Opens up for Plan X Proposers’ Day Workshop

On the 27th of September, 2012, DARPA will be holding a one day workshop “in support of the anticipated Broad Agency Announcement for the Plan X.” This workshop will be held in Arlington, VA and offer unclassified and classified sessions. Here is a description of Plan X: “The objective of the Plan X program isRead… Read more »

The Rise of the Fifth Estate – a good yarn worth reading

This morning I read Greg Jerico’s book ‘The Rise of the Fifth Estate‘ which chronicles the rise of political blogging and social media reporting in Australia. Some of you may remember Greg better as Grog of Grogs Gamut, a blogger and then public servant, known for his detailed analysis of political and sporting matters. HeRead… Read more »

Improving ROI by Investing in the Mobile Workforce

HP has a variety of “how-to” resources on their corporate website. One of the more interesting ones for the GovLoop community is the guide, “Improving ROI by Investing in the Mobile Workforce.” The guide has some interesting stats on mobile. The guide states, “Mobile workforces exist in every industry today. In fact, more than 50Read… Read more »

Weekly Round-up: August 24, 2012

Gadi Ben-Yehuda Start Your Engines! The White House announced the first round of Presidential Innovation Fellows. Of particular interest to me are those working on the MyGov project, which has already launched an IdeaScale component. Now Get to Work! In related news, the White House has also open-sourced its “We the People” platform, so anyoneRead… Read more »

Bankruptcy Warning Signs For NY Local Governments

Since 2010 seven municipalities nation wide have filed for bankruptcy. California has the largest number of municipalities filing for bankruptcy with three. According to several recent reports, many local governments in New York are in serious financial trouble. – Rochester used a one-time, $15 million in state aid to reduce its $40 million deficit thisRead… Read more »