Yearly Archives: 2012

A Big Shout Out to the Presidential Innovation Fellows

“Every new movement needs heroes.” Tim O’Reilly said this in the recruitment video we made when we were just starting Code for America over two years ago. We were so grateful when the tech and design community answered our call, and we were grateful again when hundreds more applied for the second year. But nowRead… Read more »

Are you overwhelmed?

We’re in public service and that means getting the word out about the goings-on in government to the broadest reach possible. A few years ago we were webmasters. Today, we’re webmasters, digital media providers, social media managers, content managers, information architects, editors, and more. Today, we have to put information everywhere: on the web andRead… Read more »

An AIDS Free Generation — How one Sammies Finalist is making it happen

In the 1980s, an AIDS diagnosis was considered a death sentence. Even more troubling was the number of children who contracted the disease from their mother. But thanks in part to the work of Dr. Lynne Mofenson, future generations won’t have to worry about being born with HIV or AIDS. She pioneered a clinical trialRead… Read more »

Reforming an Outmoded Government

Michele Flournoy, former Under Secretary of Defense for Policy, had an interesting opinion piece in the Washington Post on Reforming an Outmoded Government. Federal agencies typically lack the expertise and experience to transform themselves into more effective and affordable enterprises With rising budgets (like the past decade), the focus tends to be on growth, notRead… Read more »

Dorobek Dose: Meet the NIH scientist helping to end pediatric AIDS — Sammies Finalist

Happy Thursday — Chris Dorobek is off this week. So I will be filling in. We are going to do the show a bit differently. Each day we will feature a Dose of Dorobek — a shorter five minute interview that focuses on helping you do your job better and tips for navigating around GovLoop.Read… Read more »

Federal Government Expanding API’s, FBI Seizes 3 Android App Sites, and More

Here is today’s federal cybersecurity and information technology news: As part of Chief Information Officer Steven VanRoekel’s digital strategy to make application programming interfaces “the new default in government,” U.S. foreign assistance payments, nuclear reactors’ daily event reports and a national sex offender registry will soon be released with API’s to allow automatically updated streamingRead… Read more »

Presidential Innovation Fellows Announced

Today, Federal CTO Todd Park formally launched the Presidential Innovation Fellows program. Over the next few weeks, the Fellows will be blogging more in-depth about their program here on GovLoop, and working to share their best practices and tell their story how they are working to transform government. The Presidential Innovation Fellows program has fiveRead… Read more »

OPM Director Approves Federal Employees Day Session – as Training at Out & Equal Summit in Baltimore, MD

Out & Equal is hosting a one-day Federal Leadership Seminar on Monday, October 29, at the Baltimore Convention Center in Baltimore, Maryland. The goals of the seminar are to: bring together agencies to share best practices; provide training on how to implement best practices; create an opportunity to learn from government contractors; and incorporate globalRead… Read more »

4 Awesome Government Mobile Use Cases

**We’ll be hosting a session on Mobile Government: Today, Tomorrow, & Beyond featuring government case studies at our Government Innovators Online Summit on September 13.** In 2012, the number of smartphone users will reach 106.7 million with 94% of these users accessing the mobile internet. With citizens and government employees increasingly adopting multiple mobile deviceRead… Read more »