Yearly Archives: 2012

A day in the life

I’ve always worked in very traditional environments where there were either thinkers or do’ers. The do’ers were on the front line and did and the thinkers were behind them, researching, reading, discussing and then issuing strategies and directions which would then be cascaded down to the do’ers. My current role is a wee bit differentRead… Read more »

Could millennials actually SAVE the workforce?

As a millennial myself we’ve heard it all before: we are the entitled, spoiled and self-serving generation. Gen-Y is the youngsters typically born between 1982-1999. But could we also be the workplace savior? Maybe so says Emily Matcher. She is a freelance writer for the Washington Post. She’s written an article outlining how this “pampered”Read… Read more »

Exploring Geo-Enabled Government Services

Across government, there are fascinating uses of GIS. Whether it is the development of custom web apps, integration of cloud and/or mobile technology, or using GIS to improve citizen services. In many ways GIS is transforming how government delivers services. There are also many different ways GIS is improving services. The use of 3D andRead… Read more »

How Andrew Krzmarzick uses open source to empower citizens in government

Originally posted on by Jennifer Wike and published using Creative Commons. As the Community Manager of GovLoop—a highly active online community connecting more than 50,000 public sector professionals, including Federal CTO Todd Park—Andrew Krzmarzick suspects his role is pretty similar to leading an open source project. The open source way guides the company’s decisions,Read… Read more »

Is a Disengaged Government Employee a Loyal Employee?

The answer may be yes! Studies show that while most government employees are satisfied with their jobs, many are not actively engaged in the performance and quality of their work. Yet, a hearty 63% of those public sector workers say that they intend to stay in their positions long-term. Factors such as leadership effectiveness, performanceRead… Read more »

Windows 8 to Offer Improvements for Government Users

Microsoft is set to release Windows 8 this fall. Michele Bedford Thistle, Marketing Manager, Worldwide Public Sector, took some time to share why she is excited about the release and how new features will provide an improved experience for government users. In her post she identifies three core features of Windows 8 for government customers.Read… Read more »