Yearly Archives: 2012

Please participate in (short) time-sensitive Arvada/Boulder CMS survey

The cities of Arvada, Colorado and Boulder, Colorado recently entered into an MOU to “co-develop/enhance” a PHP-based web content management system originally developed by Arvada IT staff. This innovative product is both feature-rich and social media focused. The city of Boulder will be using the CMS in its new website design scheduled to go liveRead… Read more »

Despite Proposed Cuts, Opportunities Lay Ahead in Cybersecurity and Health Care for Contractors

According to a recent GovWin IQ study by Deltek, spending on government IT will decrease spending from $121 billion in 2012 to $113 billion by 2017. Budget pressures and IT mandates are driving this change. But, there is a silver lining. Cybersecurity and health IT will be growth areas, and IT cost-savings initiatives will beRead… Read more »

Helping Veterans Transition to Civilian Life

There are many resources available for veterans to help them transition back into civilian life. The Department of Defense Office of Warrior Care Policy has dozens of resources designed to help veterans returning from war. One post in particular, Wounded warriors and families encouraged to keep minds and bodies strong, utilize health resources states: “WithRead… Read more »

Update on my Crowd Funding Experiment!

Hi Everyone, First – I just wanted to take a minute to thank those of you have already generously supported my IndieGoGo campaign (if you haven’t clicked through yet, I wish you would!). Second – I had a couple of people contact me asking me how to send me a cash donation (because you don’tRead… Read more »

Getting Started

Welcome to the Creative Content Coaching blog, where I write about Publishing, Social Media, and Web Presence. Here are some highlights from each section: Publishing I explain what all the fuss is about with ebooks and digital publishing. A video interview with Todd Sattersten on why books are really start-ups. How to be smart aboutRead… Read more »