Yearly Archives: 2012

Update on my Crowd Funding Experiment!

Hi Everyone, First – I just wanted to take a minute to thank those of you have already generously supported my IndieGoGo campaign (if you haven’t clicked through yet, I wish you would!). Second – I had a couple of people contact me asking me how to send me a cash donation (because you don’tRead… Read more »

Getting Started

Welcome to the Creative Content Coaching blog, where I write about Publishing, Social Media, and Web Presence. Here are some highlights from each section: Publishing I explain what all the fuss is about with ebooks and digital publishing. A video interview with Todd Sattersten on why books are really start-ups. How to be smart aboutRead… Read more »

FarmVille’s Destructive Downturn

Lauren Hockenson writing for on Zynga, creator of the FarmVille social gaming series: What a difference a year makes. In August 2011, social gaming and in-app purchase godfather Zynga was riding high. It had come off of one of the highest profile IPO filings just a month previous, and its play on secondary marketsRead… Read more »

Stephen Collins — a philosophy of passion

It’s a bit about ourself, but yesterday, The Canberra Times ran a feature on acidlabs’ founder, Stephen Collins, touching on his work, his passions and the creation of TEDxCanberra. If you’d like to get a little deeper inside the mind of one of Canberra’s big ideas people, you should read the article. Original post

How has the world changed for the class of 2012?

When things change over time and we live through the changes, we often don’t notice their scale or impact on our behaviour or thinking. It’s like growing up – you don’t wake up each day thinking ‘wow! I’m a millimetre taller’ – but your uncles and aunts notice the difference as they see you lessRead… Read more »

Challenges in Turning Federal Digital Strategy into Mobile Reality

By Dennis D. McDonald Directive number 7 in Federal CIO Steven VanRoekel’s May 23, 2012 federal API strategy Digital Government: Building a 21st Century Platform to Better Serve the American People states the following: 7. Improve Priority Customer-Facing Services for Mobile Use. The general public and our government workforce should be able to access governmentRead… Read more »

Rob Davis: Why I’m Coding for America

I was first introduced to Code for America when I stumbled across Jen Pahlka’s TED talk earlier this year. As she explained the concept of utilizing the most innovative web and mobile systems to empower a new breed of citizenship in the U.S., I immediately understood the significance of what CfA was working towards. Unfortunately,Read… Read more »