Yearly Archives: 2012

Reinforcing the thin digital line

One of the benefits of my current role is getting to travel around Australia and meet many of the public servants working in the Government 2.0 and open government areas. There’s some fantastic people doing great work, often hidden in the most unlikely places. It has also made me aware of how few people thereRead… Read more »

Contractors and Procurement Officials: Customer Service Is A Two Way Street

There seems to be a development that is coming more and more to the forefront: the case of the out-of-control Contracting Officer (KO). There are usually two paths to interactions with a KO, one being the KO who is overwhelmed with the workload, doing the best they can to handle it, and simply have veryRead… Read more »

Is it Friday yet?

Never understood why certain people looked forward to Fridays as much as they do. Original post

Conducting Media Interviews: Ten Tips

Speaking to the news media can always be a tricky business, especially if you are not an official government communicator, former journalist, or have other expertise in the area of media relations and strategic communications. Therefore, these tips should be useful if and when you must face the “Beast” — particularly, if you’re conducting yourRead… Read more »

Your Reference to The Greatest, Most Disruptive Enterprise IT Companies is a research tool information on technologies, concepts and companies of interest to enterprise IT professionals. The CTOlabs Disruptive IT List is a curated list of firms we believe hold the greatest potential for positive disruption in the enterprise IT space. Our writers and analysts seek out information on these firms from multiple sources,Read… Read more »

Major impacts of Cloud computing

Cloud has dramatically changed how we think about and utilize services. Cloud facilitates rapid deployments due to quick availability of scalable services. It provides the high service velocity to manage changes incrementally and less time for provisioning storage and applications. Cloud can enhance productivity by providing the infrastructure or application platforms and related tools toRead… Read more »

2012 College Football – An Analysis of the Polls From Your Bureaucrat on Sports, the Hokie Guru

It’s that time of year again, folks. In twelve days, we’ll see the first college football game of the year on ESPN. Only one Saturday left until December without college football. Let’s get ready. Now. The Polls The official start of college football is always marked by the issuance of the Associated Press (AP) andRead… Read more »