Yearly Archives: 2012

Android Encryption Crackable, New MPEG Standard and more

This little Android won’t be so happy if you steal his data Researchers Show How to Crack Android Encryption – Thomas Cannon and Seyton Bradford have successfully shown brute force attacks against Android encryption at DEFCON. Because Android encryption is based on the Linux dm-crypt, it is easily broken on either Android 3.x or 4.xRead… Read more »

Mars Curiosity – Over Budget, Big Success?

This crops up all the time. What’s the definition of a ‘failed project’? Look at Mars Curiosity. The program was initially budgeted at around $1.5B and came in at $2.5B for development and launch. Sure, some people question that expense, but for the most part I think they just don’t ‘get it’ on the importanceRead… Read more »

Nanotechnology and Developing Countries

Editor’s note: The following is a guest post written by Nicky Elkins, staff writer for and – AO Developing countries have made great strides with technology by introducing different programs and initiatives. Doing so has helped spread information to the masses in these countries about different health concerns, climate, and agriculture, and hasRead… Read more »

Defense Intelligence Agency Virtualization, Warrantless Tracking of Prepaid Cellphones, and More

Here is today’s federal cybersecurity and information technology news: Ecuador has granted asylum to WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange to prevent his extradition, which is ironic given Ecuador’s suppression of press freedom and dissident movements, leading the UK to allegedly threaten to storm the embassy. More here. Lt. Gen. Richard P. Mills, deputy commandant for combatRead… Read more »

Macon It Happen

After attending both PyCon and OSCON, and manning the Code for America expo booth at both events, it’s become pretty clear that technical people are kind of shocked that Macon is a Code for America city. “Macon… Georgia?” is a question I’ve heard multiple times (with varying amounts of pause between city and state). InRead… Read more »

Review of “Guarding the Social Gates,” by the Altimeter Group

A virus that lives in only one kind of medium will not be terrifically successful. The most dangerous–and thus successful–viruses can live in their host, where they replicate their own code, but also in media like air, water, and even other hosts in which they cannot replicate, but can hitch a ride from one idealRead… Read more »

How to work with people you dislike

Ordered from the worst option to the best option: Don’t work with them. If all else fails, try finding another project or another job. Limit your work relationship. Focus on the work and be extra careful in your communications to make sure your dislike does not show, and that your work still gets done. Finally,Read… Read more »

Big Money for Big Data

Big Data is the data too large, complex, and fast-moving for conventional information infrastructure to handle. There’s been a lot of buzz about investment in cutting edge Big Data solutions and start ups, and for good reason. Venture capital for Big Data is sizable and growing. In 2010, Big Data start ups already received $1.53Read… Read more »


Eugene Hudson Jr. elected Secretary-Treasurer; Augusta Thomas reelected NVP, Women’s and Fair Practices J. David Cox today was elected national president of the American Federation of Government Employees during the union’s 39th National Convention in Las Vegas. Eugene Hudson Jr. was elected National-Secretary Treasurer, while Augusta Thomas was reelected National Vice President for Women’s andRead… Read more »

Times are changing for Chief Human Capital Officers and a 6 part guide to turning around under-performing teams

On today’s program Times are changing — and that is true for chief human capital officers. What are the challenges ahead? Click here for the full recap. And everybody has been there — where you feel like nothing is going right. How can you take your organization from so-so to WOW!? We’ll talk to theRead… Read more »