Yearly Archives: 2012

Some CFA code

This weekend I spent some time on code for america and rootstrikers, Some ideas about open311 : Some code i wrote for CFA/open311 and for rootstrikers : hope you like it, mike

4 Stats about Federal Job Openings

We recently relaunched our GovLoop Jobs Finder ( which builds upon the USAJOBS data set to make it easy to find great federal jobs. I’ve been spending a lot of time researching federal jobs so I thought I’d share 4 facts about finding your next federal job based on our subs-set of data we areRead… Read more »

Modeling a City

Pegasus Global Holdings is planning to build a full-scale city somewhere in New Mexico “to test and evaluate technologies in conditions that most closely simulate real-world applications.” According to the project’s website, CITE-CITY, the company proposed building the model to overcome challenges related to access, long waits, and costs that they faced in carrying outRead… Read more »

TSP Talk – 08/11/12

Stocks continue to move up The S&P 500 (C-fund) closed up on Friday for a sixth consecutive positive day. Some of those days were very small gains, but the bears have not been able to put up a red number in the S&P since August 2. Now the stock market is facing some resistance andRead… Read more »

Thank you to our latest Scholarship Fund donors!

We’re wrapping up the first week of our scholarship fund drive for the 2012 NCDD conference and want to thank our latest contributers for your generosity! Our goal is to raise $15,000 from our community to help people from diverse backgrounds make it to NCDD Seattle who may not otherwise be able to join us.Read… Read more »

Three major problems with business development

Many of our clients shared with us their frustration with their current state of business development (BD). They either weren’t growing fast enough because they weren’t bidding on enough projects that were in their sweet spot, or they had wasted money going after poorly qualified opportunities that they had no chance of winning. All ofRead… Read more »

NYPD and Microsoft Create a Next Generation Law Enforcement Big Data Solution

With an emphasis on surveillance, evidence, and reporting, law enforcement is an extremely data-intensive field and the New York City Police Department, as the largest agency which deals with the largest American city, has the most data to handle. Lately, with the NYPD’s greater focus on counterterrorism and projects like the Lower Manhattan Security InitiativeRead… Read more »

Air Force Wants Machine Learning for Targeting, DoD Wants to Let Defenders Operate of Non-Military Networks, and More

Here is today’s federal cybersecurity and information technology news: The Air Force seeks software that uses machine learning to detect threats and targets from sensor data. More here. The Department of Defense has proposed that military cyber-specialists be allowed to take actions outside of U.S. military networks to defend critical U.S. computer systems. More here.Read… Read more »

Georgia Disability Video Series Wins National Telly Award

By Derrick G. Silas, Sr., Web Manager, City of Enid, Oklahoma Often, the National Association of Government Communicators (NAGC) spotlights the accomplishments of its members. Valerie Suber, a member of NAGC and Public Information Director for Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities (GCDD), rightly deserves accolades for production of the video series, “Voices Beyond The Mirror.”Read… Read more »

Big Data for Geo

Every industry utilizes data in some facit or another. In the geo world, you can’t look in a direction that doesn’t include data…BIG data. Which is why we are bringing together GIS and developer professionals from throughout the DC metro area to learn more about Big Data and the latest in geospatial and cloud technology.Read… Read more »