Yearly Archives: 2012

We’re Hiring a Part-Time Social Media Campaign Manager

Tuvel Communications is a market research and development company that combines human processes, social media and analytics. We collaborate with government organizations, technology companies, non-profits and associations to identify rich untapped market segments and convert them into engaged online communities. We develop and execute social media outreach campaigns, conducting market research and using customized communicationsRead… Read more »

Measuring the Success of Your Workforce Planning Strategy

This is the final blog post in a series of blog posts and podcasts talking through the recent GovLoop Guide to Workforce Planning. Be sure to take a listen to the podcase below and view the guide. You can find more HR resources by visiting the GovLoop Guide to Workforce Planning Homepage. Measuring outcomes ofRead… Read more »

What is the Current State of Human Resources in Government?

Recently I had the opportunity to sit down with Stephen Beard, Strategic Program Director – HCM SaaS at Oracle, about the current state of HR in government and important elements of a workforce planning initiative. The entire interview can be listened to below, along with a synopsis of the conversation. Stephen provided some insights toRead… Read more »

Justice Department hires a prosecutor for whistleblowers — DorobekINSIDER 7 Stories you need to know

The SEVEN stories that impact your life for Thursday the 9th of August, 2012 The Justice Department has appointed a former prosecutor to focus on whistleblower complaints. Robert Storch will work in the inspector general’s office. Storch will educate employees about the importance of whistleblowers in uncovering waste, fraud and abuse. The Wall Street JournalRead… Read more »

Meet the SWAT team for social media (VOST) and is there a VALUE in transparency?

On today’s program Earlier this week, we asked if Twitter and Facebook spelled the end of emergency management. Well, emergency managers are actually learning to use those tools to broaden their eyes and ears about what is going on in an emergency. They are called Virtual Operations Support Teams. And we’ll talk to an emergencyRead… Read more »

OMB Guidance: What Is a Program?

This is a question to which agencies will now have to come up with an answer. And it won’t be easy! Background Earlier this Spring, Senator Tom Coburn grilled an OMB witness at a hearing about why OMB had not yet implemented a provision in the GPRA Modernization Act requiring the creation of a government-wideRead… Read more »

VOST — It’s like the SWAT team for social media

Everybody needs situational awareness — that’s what they call it in the military — knowing what you need to know to make the best decisions. That is particularly true for emergency managers. Earlier this week, we spoke to Adam Crowe who suggested that emergency managment as we now know it is dead. His argument: socialRead… Read more »

Does transparency add VALUE?

The Obama Administration has made openness and transparency a priority. But three years in, people are starting to ask does transparency add VALUE? John Wonderlich is the Policy Director at the Sunlight Foundation. He’s written extensively on the status of open government. He told Chris Dorobek on the DorobekINSIDER program why transparency matters. “It shouldn’tRead… Read more »

“Open Government” Wins Gold

If “most used phrase since 2009” was an Olympic event then “open government” would surely dominate. Olympic spirit and jokes aside, I wanted to pass along an excellent read from the Open Government Partnerships blog. In it, IdeaScale’s Jessica Day (and my awesome colleague) does a great job highlighting the tangible progress of open government,Read… Read more »

Another Endorsement of the Fixmo Approach: Motorola Solutions Backs Fixmo In Bet On Better Security

Hugo Miller of Bloomberg wrote a piece today titled “Motorola Solutions Backs Fixmo In Bet On Better Security.” I like the way he captured the news in that headline. It is yet another endorsement of the engineering talent, mission-focused solutions and corporate leadership in place at Fixmo. It makes me even prouder to be associatedRead… Read more »