Yearly Archives: 2012

OMB Guidance: What Is a Program?

This is a question to which agencies will now have to come up with an answer. And it won’t be easy! Background Earlier this Spring, Senator Tom Coburn grilled an OMB witness at a hearing about why OMB had not yet implemented a provision in the GPRA Modernization Act requiring the creation of a government-wideRead… Read more »

VOST — It’s like the SWAT team for social media

Everybody needs situational awareness — that’s what they call it in the military — knowing what you need to know to make the best decisions. That is particularly true for emergency managers. Earlier this week, we spoke to Adam Crowe who suggested that emergency managment as we now know it is dead. His argument: socialRead… Read more »

Does transparency add VALUE?

The Obama Administration has made openness and transparency a priority. But three years in, people are starting to ask does transparency add VALUE? John Wonderlich is the Policy Director at the Sunlight Foundation. He’s written extensively on the status of open government. He told Chris Dorobek on the DorobekINSIDER program why transparency matters. “It shouldn’tRead… Read more »

“Open Government” Wins Gold

If “most used phrase since 2009” was an Olympic event then “open government” would surely dominate. Olympic spirit and jokes aside, I wanted to pass along an excellent read from the Open Government Partnerships blog. In it, IdeaScale’s Jessica Day (and my awesome colleague) does a great job highlighting the tangible progress of open government,Read… Read more »

Another Endorsement of the Fixmo Approach: Motorola Solutions Backs Fixmo In Bet On Better Security

Hugo Miller of Bloomberg wrote a piece today titled “Motorola Solutions Backs Fixmo In Bet On Better Security.” I like the way he captured the news in that headline. It is yet another endorsement of the engineering talent, mission-focused solutions and corporate leadership in place at Fixmo. It makes me even prouder to be associatedRead… Read more »

What the Facebook ruling from the Advertising Standards Board (that comments are ads) means for agencies

There’s been a lot of commentary this week in the media around the decision by the Australian Advertising Board (ASB) to rule that the comments of fans published on an brand’s Facebook page are actually advertisements and must comply with industry self-regulation and consumer protection laws. In face the ruling states that Facebook, and otherRead… Read more »

The Changing Wheat and Tobacco Industries

While listening to a favorite podcast of mine, I learned that Bill O’Reilly recently gave up eating wheat and discovered a number of signficant health benefits, including increased energy and weight loss. This of course is a main tenet of the paleo diet/lifestyle that I subscribe to, so I wasn’t surprised by what happened soRead… Read more »

Using Metrics to Measure Interest in an Open Source Project

David Boswell has a couple of interesting posts (here and here) about how he is using metrics to measure how effective Mozilla is at attracting and engaging people express an interest in helping contribute to the Mozilla mission. Some of the metrics being used can be seen at Mozilla’s Are We Growing Yet website. WhatRead… Read more »

Brigade Weekly News, August 8, 2012

Here’s what we tagged this week: What Data Visualization Can and Can’t Tell Us About Pennsylvania’s Voter ID Law | TechPresident Why is open civic data important? Azavea published results of analysis that suggests racial discrimination in Pennsylvania’s voter ID law, but lack of data prevents anyone from drawing firm conclusions. Penn study says neighborhoodRead… Read more »