Yearly Archives: 2012

New publication: The Public Manager 2.0 – Preparing the social media generation for the networked workplace

The National Association of Schools of Public Affairs & Administration (NASPAA) just published a special issue of the Journal of Public Affairs Education titled “Social and technological innovations in teaching public affairs“. The special issue was edited by Thomas Bryer and Angie Eikenberry (thank you!). My paper is title “The Public Manager 2.0: Preparing theRead… Read more »

Is your agency accessible for ALL americans? And new SBA contracting rule gets mixed reviews

On today’s program Disabilities — we talk about disabilities and we think of wheelchairs… or even Oscar Pistorius, the South African sprinter “Blade Runner” — “the fastest man on no legs.” But as Baby Boomers are aging, more and more people have to deal with disabilities. And we never forget about veterans. What is theRead… Read more »

Aphorism 72

If I want to have a thought of mine preserved for eternity, I put it on my blog; if I don’t care if I ever see it again, I put it on Twitter. John Scalzi Original post

SBA’s proposed contracting rule is a mixed bag for small businesses

The Small Business Administration has issued what is arguably one of the most significant proposed rules for small businesses in the past decade. The proposed rule implements Section 1331 of the Small Business Jobs Act, signed by the president in September 2010. Section 1331 of the Jobs Act requires SBA and OFPP to establish regulationsRead… Read more »

White House’s Sequestration details due in one month — DorobekINSIDER 7 stories you need to know

The SEVEN stories that impact your life for Wednesday the 8th of July, 2012 President Obama has signed a law requiring the administration to provide Congress with a list of sequester budget cuts. Should sequestration occur in January, the executive branch would need to make an immediate $110 billion reduction in 2013 spending. Politico saysRead… Read more »

White House’s Sequestration details due in one month — DorobekINSIDER 7 stories you need to know

The SEVEN stories that impact your life for Wednesday the 8th of July, 2012 President Obama has signed a law requiring the administration to provide Congress with a list of sequester budget cuts. Should sequestration occur in January, the executive branch would need to make an immediate $110 billion reduction in 2013 spending. Politico saysRead… Read more »

When It Comes to Violations, Keeping Congress In The Loop

Chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, Darrell Issa of California, sent a three paged letter to the government’s inspectors general (earnestly) asking for more communication alerting Congress when serious violations are under investigation. Darrell Issa wants inspectors general to loop in Congress The letter cited the 2010 $823,000 GSA spending spree inRead… Read more »

Distributed Common Ground System “Not Suitable,” Army Integrated Network Operations Center, and More

Here is today’s federal cybersecurity and information technology news: An internal U.S. Army memo described the Distributed Common Ground System used to detect roadside bombs and predict insurgent activity limited and “not suitable.” More here. A recent survey of security experts showed little confidence in government’s ability to provide cybersecurity for critical infrastructure. More here.Read… Read more »

Is the government an equal opportunity employer – including the disabled?

Disabilities, we talk about disabilities and we think of wheelchairs or even Oscar Pistorius, the South African sprinter “Blade Runner” — “the fastest man on no legs.” But as the Baby Boomers age, more and more people have to deal with disabilities. What is the government doing to be a good employer for everybody —Read… Read more »