Yearly Archives: 2012

Imagine Getting A Building Permit In 24 Hours

Dealing with the bureaucracy of government is frustrating for citizens and employees. What should be a simple task often takes months and involves multiple departments. Many government officials just accept backlogs and delays as the way things are done while others push for ways to improve how government operates. The Phoenix Arizona City Council recentlyRead… Read more »

Media Relations: Shaping the Story — Part 1

“Everything here is negotiable…” Those are the words of a Washington Post reporter in a recent email to key sources for a coveted front page article. Included in the email was a working draft copy of the story. The news outlet Texas Observer obtained copies of the emails and broke the news…that is, the newsRead… Read more »

BYOD Pilot: Five Lessons Learned

As noted in a recent post, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) has implemented a Bring-Your-Own-Device (BYOD) pilot program to meet urgent IT budget challenges. The EEOC, a relatively small agency with scarce IT funds, by federal government standards, was one of the first agencies to launch an innovative BYOD pilot. See “BYOD andRead… Read more »

Project Management Terms – Assumptions

Assumptions are factors considered to be true in the planning phase. As they are not certitudes, a certain degree of risk is involved. In fact, in Risk Identification process as part of the Project Risk Management, assumptions analysis takes an important role. Also, in Qualitative Risk Analysis, assumptions are important input data. Examples of assumptions:Read… Read more »

Monday Pick Me Up

First world problems, the rap version. (For more fun, see this musical version and the history of the #firstworldproblems meme. The intro to the latter has become a running joke with my supervisor, who actually built a private movie theatre in his house.*) * It only fits six people. Original post

Government Big Data Solutions Award 2012

As a reader of you are aware of the interesting situation we face with data today: The amount of data being created is growing faster than humans can analyze, but fast analysis over data can help humanity solve some very tough challenges. This fact is moving the globe towards new “Big Data” solutions. GovernmentRead… Read more »

Announcing Cross-Posting

Starting today, this blog will now be cross-posted at I’m very excited for this, as GovLoop was one of the main inspirations behind my creating I’m new to cross-posting however so I’m not sure how this will work out, but I’ll continue to do it as long as it makes sense for bothRead… Read more »

Are You Ready For Some Football? 2012 -13

The Gov Loop NFL Pool is gearing up for the 2012-2013 season! No buy-in, no pay-out, no money involved, just bragging rights for the week and a beautiful metal water bottle prize for most correct picks over the season. I’ll be posting the weekly pool sheet in the NFL POOL Discussion in The Break RoomRead… Read more »

Life in the Trenches: Authors, eBooks, and Social Media

Ewan Morrison‘s recent article in The Guardian, Why social media isn’t the magic bullet for self-epublished authors, deftly lays out many self-published authors’ deepest fears. Faced with the self-destruction of traditional publishing and scratching their heads over the byzantine alleyways of Facebook fan pages and the like, authors weigh the effort it takes to promoteRead… Read more »