Yearly Archives: 2012

The Principles of Enterprise Technology

By BobGourley “Consider a principle as a basic generalization that is accepted as true and that can be used as a basis for reasoning or conduct.” With those words we began the first post here at CTOvision over five years ago. Since then we have visited this topic several times here at the blog andRead… Read more »

Opportunities That Mean Jobs

This week the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) issued a memorandum “Improving Acquisition through Strategic Sourcing.” The memorandum establishes a new Strategic Sourcing Leadership Council (SSLC) and directs each of the 24 Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Act agencies to designate a Strategic Sourcing Accountable Official (SSAO). The SSAO is to have the authority toRead… Read more »

Should politicians tweet (and how should they if they do)?

Yesterday the Sydney Morning Herald reported that the Liberal Party had ‘slapped a social media gag on MPs’. While the article didn’t live up to the sensation of the headline, it did touch on an area I had provided a media comment on last week. As such I thought I would publish my full notes,Read… Read more »

Australian government’s opportunity to rethink the role of Government CIO

A few weeks ago Ann Steward, the Australian Government Chief Information Officer (CIO) and Deputy Secretary leading AGIMO (the Australian Government Information Management Office) announced she was retiring from the public service after seven years in her current role. Her announcement was widely covered in the media, and there’s been a number of public and,Read… Read more »

Apple’s ‘Steve Jobs’ Patent in Trouble, 25-GPU Cluster is tearing up Windows passwords and more

By RyanKamauff Invalidated Apple Patents will have far-reaching effects in the tech world. Here are the top technology news and stories. Apple’s ‘Steve Jobs’ Patent Is in Trouble – The multi-touch patent (one of the keys in the Apple v Samsung dispute) has been invalidated in a preliminary finding. While this finding is not 100%Read… Read more »

Key IT Standards Organizations on Twitter

By BobGourley “The nice thing about standards is that you have so many to choose from” teaches Andrew S. Tanebaum in his classic text on Computer Networks. Technologists have a love-hate relationship with IT standards. Without them we get no interoperability, no real meaningful teamwork or collaboration, no communication and just about no enterprise-grade technologyRead… Read more »

Fiscal Cliff Progress – Plus the DorobekINSIDER 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: Washington Redskins rookie quarterback Robert Griffin III, better known as RGIII, has electrified fans by his exciting style of play and poise under pressure. We look at his leadership secrets. And cull out tips for the Presidential Management Fellows. Click here for the full recap. But First: Your Fiscal Cliff UpdateRead… Read more »

Organizing Your Day in the Digital Age

Working in a government position requires an employee to be able to multitask, communicate well and, above all else, be organized. As most federal employees know, it isn’t always easy staying organized when you’re busy, but here are five digital tools that can help: 1. Box Box is a free app that offers access toRead… Read more »