Yearly Archives: 2012

GSA is Listening

We’re down to the last few agencies making the move from our Federal Telecommunications Service 2001 (FTS 2001) contract to the Networx contracts and I am proud of the work we’ve done with our agency partners and OMB to make Networx a success. As many of you know, the Networx transition has not been easy.Read… Read more »

GovBytes: Anticipated Portal [] Up and Running

As of August 1, four cities — Chicago, Seattle, New York and San Francisco — became the first local governments to host their public data sets on the federal domain under the name Municipal Information Officers cite their decision to host the data on the federal portal as part of an overall message thatRead… Read more »

NextGen 2K12 – Closing Session: 3 Spoonfuls of Inspiration Help the Medicine Go Down

As the end of the conference drew near, I was feeling a little nervous about holding myself accountable for changing my lessons learned into actions. You know that self-doubt that creeps in and makes you think “I can’t change the way this huge government works.” Well, thankfully I got a boost of morale from allRead… Read more »

Three Keys to Tapping Cloud’s Potential in Government, Part 1: Innovate

Note: This is the first of a 3-part series on how Federal organizations can best exploit the potential of cloud computing in the Federal IT enterprise. The cloud is rapidly becoming the way to conduct the business of IT across the industry. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) offerings are maturing – both internally and acrossRead… Read more »

Michael Sampson, User Adoption and the Formula for Success

Originally published on Tri Tuns blog Insights. As ‘user adoption’ is becoming a better-known aspect of IT implementations one thought leader in particular stands out. And one of the things we at Tri Tuns love about Michael Sampsonis his distinct ability to distill the complexities of user adoption into an easily understood and digested reasonedRead… Read more »

In Perth this September? Come to RightClick!

If you’re based in WA, or in Perth on 5th September this year, consider attending the Western Australia Institute of Public Administration’s fourth annual RightClick conference, focusing on “Technology but not for its own sake”. I’ll be providing a keynote on ‘shiny new things’ and why people are attracted to them and there’s a greatRead… Read more »

Key Training Ideas for Your Customer Service Program

Not everyone is or is willing to be computer literate to take care of basic business. We all have different ways to train. Some would say some of us remain in the dark ages, but you also might argue that not all that’s old-fashioned is bad. We often buy things because they are antique orRead… Read more »

Introducing: Brigade Weekly News, August 1, 2012

Each Wednesday we are going to post our favorite stories of the week to this blog. Today, August 1, 2012 is our inaugural edition. Denver Mayor releases 80 GIS datasets for Colorado Code for Communities Brigade event Brigade member, Denver captain, and Colorado Code for Communities organizer Jason Lally reported in the forum that theRead… Read more »

Amazon Instant Video for the iPad, Google unveils Android Blog and more

Amazon’s Instant Video is a great capability, and it is now mobile! In order to provide more value to their users, Amazon has rolled out the instant video app for the iPad. Amazon’s instant video offering has a huge library of free streaming video for Prime subscribers. Amazon is trying to show that while NetflixRead… Read more »

Red Cross Hurricane App

Here in the U.S. we’re in the middle of Hurricane Season — it ends Nov. 30, 2012 this year. The season’s been off to a bit of a slow start over the Atlantic but, as we on the East Coast know too well, it’s typically the later months of summer that bring the most devastatingRead… Read more »