Yearly Archives: 2012

Joe Jordan Speaks at the Next Generation of Government Summit

The final session of Day Two of Next Generation of Government featured: “Collaborating for Results:” Joe Jordan, Administrator, Federal Procurement Policy “Work On Purpose:” Lara Galinsky, Sr. Vice President, Echoing Green “Attributes of an Olympian:” Adam Nelson, 2-time Olympic Medal Winner, Shot Put You find all the blog posts from the past two days byRead… Read more »

asdfjklqweruiop; — Is the government getting better at writing plainly?

“I didn’t have time to write a short letter, so I wrote a long one instead,” Mark Twain. Writing clearly and concisely is a challenge for anyone, but it’s been an even bigger challenge for the federal government — they are plagued with the dreaded Gov-Speak. But for the past two year’s they’ve been workingRead… Read more »

Cross Platform vulnerabilities aiding attackers, Big Data Analytics are key for security practices and more

Microsoft’s Security team examined the problems with cross-platform vulnerabilities ISF urges business to use Big Data Analytics for security purposes – in a recent ISF study, they had six key findings as well a large number of recommendations. “The key recommendation is for organizations to exploit their existing data analytics capabilities, to identify security areasRead… Read more »

Should You Hire a Consultant for Workforce Planning Initiatives?

This is the sixth blog post in a series of blog posts and podcasts talking through the recent GovLoop Guide to Workforce Planning. Be sure to take a listen to the podcase below and view the guide. You can find more HR resources by visiting the GovLoop Guide to Workforce Planning Homepage. A workforce andRead… Read more »

Let a Thousand @s Bloom!

At the most recent Tech@State, I moderated a panel on Organizational Collaboration. Befitting a State Department event, the panel was composed of members from three continents. Jutta von Dinklage spoke about her experiences implementing a wiki for Cancer Council Australia. Lane Rasberry asserted that any American government agency charged with disseminating information to the publicRead… Read more »

NCDD Resource Center surpasses 2,700 items!

We reached 2,700 items in the NCDD Resource Center yesterday, so it’s a good time to toot our own horn a little — and remind you of what we have to offer at For 10 years now, the National Coalition for Dialogue & Deliberation (NCDD) has been cataloguing and categorizing resources to help youRead… Read more »

What Recruiters Want: Their Top 10 Tips for Job Seekers

ClearanceJobs recently asked recruiters to send in their top tips for cleared job seekers. From resumes and interviews to career networking, here was their best advice: 1. Mind your resumeYou need a flawless resume. It’s hard to believe in this day and age of technology that I still see resumes with misspellings, formatting issues, andRead… Read more »

What Do Zig Ziglar, Harvey Mackay, and Dale Carnegie Have In Common – And How Can It Help YOU?

Zig , Harvey, and Dale contributed significantly to my professional development. How? By telling stories to show the benefit of doing something a certain way. Ziglar would talk about ‘the Redhead’ and ‘Yazoo’, Mississippi while weaving his lessons about listening and giving value. Mackay would wrap his storytelling around applying the laws of human natureRead… Read more »