Yearly Archives: 2012

DorobekINSIDER: 7 stories you need to know: Averting a government shutdown?

The SEVEN stories that impact your life for Tuesday the 31st of July, 2012 Congressional leaders are nearing a deal to avoid an October government shutdown. The Washington Post reports that House and Senate leaders are nearing a temporary spending deal that would keep the federal government running for the first half of the nextRead… Read more »

3-part plan to improve innovation with the Federal CTO and is it possible to disconnect on vacation?

On today’s program Todd Park — he is the federal CTO – and might very well be the energizer bunny. The man has a lot of passion and excitement for the federal government. And he’ll tell us his three part plan to creating innovation. Click here for the full story. It’s summer and that meansRead… Read more »

Contractors Hold Onto Their Desks as Sequestration Looms

Monica Mayk Parham, Marketing Director, Market Connections, Inc. The Professional Services Council (PSC) recently hosted an event on the topic of sequestration and, for many, it was a sobering reminder that challenging times lay ahead – even if sequestration never comes to light. So what are contractors doing to prepare for these new budget realities?Read… Read more »

USA is 3 out of 10 in cyber, Deployed soldiers will be carrying

Here is today’s federal cybersecurity and information technology news: US CYBERCOM commander, General Alexander reports that the US is only a 3 of 10 in cyber preparedness. Alexander further stated that they are focusing on defense, due to the difficulties with cyber attack attribution. Via FedScoop, more here. Deployed soldiers will be carrying sensors inRead… Read more »

Therapydia, An Emerging Social Network For Physical Therapists, Raises $5 Million In Venture Funding

Deanna Pogorelc (Cleveland, OH) — Healthcare social media has a new player in a two-year-old startup that’s just raised $5 million in venture capital and launched an online community specifically for physical therapists. Therapydia was created to connect physical therapists, facilitate the exchange of ideas and mobilize PT around key issues like reimbursement and directRead… Read more »

Mark Twain’s User Adoption Lessons – Part Five

This is the final in a five part series, originally published on Tri Tuns blog, Insights. Start at the beginning here. TIMELESS INSIGHT Mark Twain, a man who died decades before modern information systems were even conceived, may hold some of the greatest lessons for how to deliver successful technology adoption programs. So in thisRead… Read more »