A New Era at Brown University with Workday
A New Era at Brown University with Workday. Read Roberta Gordon of Brown University’s account here
A New Era at Brown University with Workday. Read Roberta Gordon of Brown University’s account here
Deanna Pogorelc (Cleveland, OH) — Healthcare social media has a new player in a two-year-old startup that’s just raised $5 million in venture capital and launched an online community specifically for physical therapists. Therapydia was created to connect physical therapists, facilitate the exchange of ideas and mobilize PT around key issues like reimbursement and directRead… Read more »
This is the final in a five part series, originally published on Tri Tuns blog, Insights. Start at the beginning here. TIMELESS INSIGHT Mark Twain, a man who died decades before modern information systems were even conceived, may hold some of the greatest lessons for how to deliver successful technology adoption programs. So in thisRead… Read more »
The program my teams and I work for, Landsat, celebrated it’s 40th anniversary last week. More specifically, my teams are part of the development effort for Landsat 8, a continuation of the program with an expected launch date in February 2013. One of the lessons I’ve learned from working in this environment is that tryingRead… Read more »
The ratio between government employees to the number of people the government serves is like a Bazillion to one. If every customer of government called just to say good morning, the entire telecommunications grid would crash – or at least that’s the way it feels sometimes. Governments are increasingly turning to write-once / answer-many technologiesRead… Read more »
Computers are dumb. Humans are smart. So it makes sense for computers to do as much of the smart part as possible and leave the humans to cope with what the computers can’t do. Sometimes that is most obvious in little things, such as entering information in ways which any human could make immediate senseRead… Read more »
A new PlayBook may be forthcoming, but it might not be enough to help RIM Here’s today’s latest tech news. A mysterious 10-inch BlackBerry PlayBook has popped up in Vietnam, sporting the BlackBerry logo. The PlayBook sold miserably (and performed even worse). As BlackBerry is going down in flames, I am not sure a 10″Read… Read more »
The Series Welcome to the second of three posts intended to help you get the most out of GovLoop’s new leadership guide: 10 Traits of a Great Government Leader. Each of these posts covers a different theme and, taken together, cover all ten traits in the leadership guide. Our intent is to provide you withRead… Read more »
Joel brings Monster downstairs so we have enough computers. Eddie installs a 30 day trial version of Adobe Illustrator on his machine so we have enough computers running Illustrator. Youth Radio arrives. Youth Radio has started a branch that is trying to teach young people how to design Apps. Their first App is called ForageRead… Read more »
A small group of designers and entrepreneurs in Chattanooga, TN have been engaged in a grass-roots effort to make their city first city in the US to have its own font. It started last year when collaboration began on a font to encapsulate the unique aspects of the city. In January, the group unveiled Chatype,Read… Read more »