Yearly Archives: 2012

What’sa Matter? You Too Big to Answer the Phone?

The ratio between government employees to the number of people the government serves is like a Bazillion to one. If every customer of government called just to say good morning, the entire telecommunications grid would crash – or at least that’s the way it feels sometimes. Governments are increasingly turning to write-once / answer-many technologiesRead… Read more »

Date() with destiny

Computers are dumb. Humans are smart. So it makes sense for computers to do as much of the smart part as possible and leave the humans to cope with what the computers can’t do. Sometimes that is most obvious in little things, such as entering information in ways which any human could make immediate senseRead… Read more »

The GovLoop Leadership Guide Companion (2 of 3): Transforming the Toughest Employees and Teams

The Series Welcome to the second of three posts intended to help you get the most out of GovLoop’s new leadership guide: 10 Traits of a Great Government Leader. Each of these posts covers a different theme and, taken together, cover all ten traits in the leadership guide. Our intent is to provide you withRead… Read more »

Forage City Workshop

Joel brings Monster downstairs so we have enough computers. Eddie installs a 30 day trial version of Adobe Illustrator on his machine so we have enough computers running Illustrator. Youth Radio arrives. Youth Radio has started a branch that is trying to teach young people how to design Apps. Their first App is called ForageRead… Read more »

GovBytes: Can a Font Bring a City Together? Introducing Chatype

A small group of designers and entrepreneurs in Chattanooga, TN have been engaged in a grass-roots effort to make their city first city in the US to have its own font. It started last year when collaboration began on a font to encapsulate the unique aspects of the city. In January, the group unveiled Chatype,Read… Read more »

An exciting era of supply and demand apps

I jotted these apps down (plus added a few others) from a recent article in Wired Magazine. The article discussed the rise of hyper-local intermediary apps that aim to capitalize on the surplus time of a service provider by matching them with someone looking for that service at that exact time. Keep in mind thatRead… Read more »

Gone Rogue — Why being a rebel is a good thing and should the gov. make the move to alternate fuels

On today’s program Are you a rebel in your workplace? Can you be? And what does that mean? We’ll hear from a former senior executive at the CIA — who professes being a rebel in the workplace. We’ll hear what that means… and how you can be a rebel. Click here for the full story.Read… Read more »

NextGen: Presentation design resources for the user experience

Thanks again to everyone who attended my session at NextGen, “Presentation design for the user experience”. As promised, I’ve to a list of resources for you to help sharpen your skills as a student of the discipline: The Presentation itself can be found here. Resources Visual and Narrative: “The Lost Art of the Great Speech“:Read… Read more »

How to be an Intrapraneur within Government

”Corporate Rebel: How to be an Intrapraneur within Government” Carmen Medina, Former CIA Director of Intelligence, author of series “Corporate Next Generation of Government Carmen Medina “The good thing abour beauracracy is they make so many rules, they forget them.” Carmen highlighted the history behind Intellipedia, and her current work at Deloitte. Carmen also createdRead… Read more »