Yearly Archives: 2012

Why we need a Center for Lessons Learned in Cyber

By RyanKamauff With this post I want to give you some historical context on the Center for Army Lessons Learned and draw some conclusions for the new domain of cyber conflict. In 2004, the United States Army, despite fighting a guerilla-type warfare in Iraq, was still training soldiers in archaic fashions. We were training ourRead… Read more »


Coming to the end of the year? Think you should be getting ready for a better year next year? Stopped because you want a better way to proceed? Try this: Why are you excellent? When I am considering working with someone, my biggest concern is, “Can I trust this guy?” “Is he any good?” DoRead… Read more »

Become a Brilliant Government Communicator (Part 1 of 5)

Professional communication is probably the most important soft skill a person can have. Our communication style conveys our reliability, responsibility, professionalism, and knowledge. How we express ourselves virtually and in person can make a difference in job applications, interviews, sales pitches, team work, and so much more. Given the importance of the topic, we atRead… Read more »

Finding New Efficiencies, Cost Savings and Improved Services with Cloud Technology

Today, technology is a critical component to transform and modernize government to truly create a 21st century government. For our year-end report, the GovLoop team set out to explore what technology trends shaped 2012 to help agencies meet organizational goals. The report also includes best practices, case studies, and identifies which trends will shape governmentRead… Read more »

Google+ launches communities

Google+ is an interesting – if quiet – place. It’s not used by very many people, which is a shame, as the interface is rather nice and it features some really cool bits of technology. Hangouts, for instance, are fantastic – on demand video conferencing which integrates neatly with Google’s other services likes Docs andRead… Read more »

Career Thinking at 20+

I get asked a lot about career advice from 20 something folks inside and outside the government. Then my cousin Jay Saunders asked me, and it seemed worth the effort to share the basics that have seemed to help many younger colleagues… Read the rest at Innovation Excellence:

Australian government’s opportunity to rethink the role of Government CIO

A few weeks ago Ann Stewart, the Australian Government Chief Information Officer (CIO) and Deputy Secretary leading AGIMO (the Australian Government Information Management Office) announced she was retiring from the public service after seven years in her current role. Her announcement was widely covered in the media, and there’s been a number of public and,Read… Read more »