Yearly Archives: 2012

Increase Your Innovation’s Chances for Success

Two books that I read recently have given me a few insights into making innovation work. As you well know, innovation is the hot topic in government today as we face shrinking budgets, demands for better citizen engagement, and the challenge of openness. There is a good deal of emphasis on producing innovative ideas butRead… Read more »

Return On Investment Of Yammer For Government Enterprise: Examples From Microsoft’s Yams

Mike Strand (Redmond, WA) – Since my last post “Micro-Leadership Through Enterprise Microblogging: A Modern View On Managing Bureaucracy”, much has happened in the world of social for the enterprise. Namely, my own company, Microsoft, recently completed acquisition of Yammer. As I am a strong advocate for the power of microblogging in the modern enterprise,Read… Read more »

Best Value Means Low Price

A recent protest decision by Planned Systems International Inc., of Columbia, Maryland, illustrates the reality of the federal budget: price is the most important factor is source selection decisions. Lee Dougherty, and attorney at General Councel, nailed it: …In a footnote the GAO also mentioned that PSI showed a lack of understanding between price reasonablenessRead… Read more »

MBR: Innovators Dilemma by Clay Christensen

I decided I was going to read a book a week for a year, here’s a quick review of this week’s book. You can see the ongoing list here. Basic Info The Innovator’s Dilemma: The Revolutionary Book That Will Change the Way You Do Business by Clay Christensen Why I read it This book isRead… Read more »

What do I think of the Canadian Senate?

Read Jennifer Ditchburn in the Globe and Mail – Senate stubborn on making information about chamber more accessible. It is laughable about how hard the Canadian Senate makes it to access information about it. The lower house – which has made good progress in the last few years on this front – shares tons ofRead… Read more »

The Military’s use of Social Media: Facebook Focus (Part 1 of 3)

Blog series originally posted at DK Web Consulting. The growth of social media is evident even amongst the ranks of government. The five branches of the US Military have been social media champions and there is much to learn from their efforts as we see in this report. This is the first installment of threeRead… Read more »

Why Federal contracting processes are slow

The entire Federal contracting process is largely premised on the idea that small businesses must receive preferential treatment. To achieve this, the Federal Government has created a tangled web of contracting processes that agencies must go through in order to purchase its goods and services. As all tangled webs are, these processes are very inefficientRead… Read more »

Guns & Gov: America’s Moral Decay

As the 2012 Olympics get underway, it’s likely that the week-old Colorado gun massacre will be overshadowed by media saturation coverage of Team USA and events in London. But let’s not forget about the disturbing and deadly event that took place in the town of Aurora, Colorado, last week — which reportedly left 12 innocentRead… Read more »