Yearly Archives: 2012

NextGen Breakout Session: How to make your next meeting not suck

How to Run an Effective & Efficient Meeting Jennifer Stanford, Chief Executive Officer, Emergent Performance Solutions How do you make a meeting not suck? “Meetings are a necessary evil.” These infamous words were uttered by Jennifer Stanford, CEO of Emergent Performance Solutions during a breakout session at the NextGen conference in Washington, D.C. A recentRead… Read more »

Civic Engagement and Open Innovation: Engaging Stakeholders in 2012

In an environment with decreasing resources and often increasing expectations for government performance, local government innovators are springing up in cities across the country. The three panelists for this session are working to make “government a platform”, providing the tools for citizens to engage with the city, tools which can be utilized to provide importantRead… Read more »

NextGen Attendees Learn Tips for Interacting With Congress

This breakout session was led by Kenneth Gold, Director of the Government Affairs Institute at Georgetown University. Dr, Gold shares has first-hand knowledge of how federal programs can more effectively plan, manage, and budget for those programs, and better represent those programs before Congress. Agencies Work With Congress For their Budgeting Every agency puts togetherRead… Read more »

Government’s Release of Federally Funded Source Code: Public Domain or Open Source? Yes.

A petition was recently posted on We The People demanding that federally funded software be released under an open source license. Makes sense. The public should have access to what is technically their property. However, TechDirt posed the question of whether it should be released under an open-source license or public domain, and I’m afraidRead… Read more »

NextGen Breakout Session: How to give an effective presentation

What’s the appropriate role of data in a presentation? How do you avoid death by power point? What does a good presentation even look like? Dave Uejio is Lead for Talent Acquisition at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and President of Young Government Leaders. And he gave a presentation — about giving effective presentations —Read… Read more »

Here’s to Impatient Americans

“Impatient with how America works, but sleeves are rolled all the way up.” – 2012 Fellow Michelle Lee’s Twitter bio Why Code for America? In this question, code is a verb. It’s not “why does Code for America exist?” but rather “why do people code for the public good?” With just three days left toRead… Read more »

Hacking Like We Give A Damn

Folks convinced that the emerging generation will usher in the end of Western Civilization have enjoyed a reverberant echo chamber recently: Millennials allegedly don’t value recorded music, cheat on tests, are akin to untrained puppies in the workplace, and lack faith in government. Judging from the pronouncements reblogged across the controversy-nourished social web, the emergingRead… Read more »

Exploring Technological Horizons With Recorded Future

Technological innovation can be a huge advantage to early adopters or a massive disruption to organizations that do not see it coming. For the Department of Defense, disruptive technology is literally a matter of life and death, so they try to predict the high impact innovations of the future using a method called “Technological HorizonRead… Read more »

Amendment XXVIII: Open Government

“Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom, must, like [citizens], undergo the fatigue of supporting it.” ~ Thomas Paine: Patriot, Founding Father, Data Liberation Rockstar A couple of weeks ago, to celebrate Independence Day, we launched Open Impact — a campaign at Code for America to encourage and enable municipal governments to declareRead… Read more »

NextGen Speaker Frank DiGiammarino breaks down his career guide

Happy Thursday! We hear at the DorobekINSIDER are at the Next Generation of Government Leadership Conference. If you can’t make it in person you can still live stream the entire conference here and we will be blogging and taking lots of photos. If you can make it down, stop by and say hi to theRead… Read more »