Yearly Archives: 2012

Disability Awareness Survey

Hello Govloopers. I’m hoping you can help me out. I’m a current Fellow with the Partnership for Public Service Excellence in Government Fellows Program and my cohort group is working on a project to raise disability awareness among Federal Employees. Specifically, we have a survey to get YOUR understanding about the hiring of individuals withRead… Read more »

Is Your City/County Charter Being Followed?

A local government’s Charter is an important legal document that specifies what officials must do or can’t do when operating government. Like the United States Constitution, a charter is the supreme law as to a local governments powers and responsibilities. One of the first things a newly elected official should do is to review theRead… Read more »

Mark Twain’s User Adoption Insights – Part Four

This is the fourth in a five part series, originally published on the Tri Tuns blog. Start at the beginning here. TIMELESS INSIGHT It’s amazing to consider how the insights and teachings of Mark Twain — a man who died decades before modern information systems were even conceived –may hold some of the greatest lessonsRead… Read more »

Is Civic Hacking Becoming ‘Our Pieces, Loosely Joined?’

I’ve got a piece up over on the WeGov blog at TechPresident – Is Civic Hacking Becoming ‘Our Pieces, Loosely Joined?‘ Juicy bit: There is however, a larger issue that this press release raises. So far, it appears that the spirit of re-use among the big players, like MySociety and the Sunlight Foundation*, only goesRead… Read more »

The Next Step in Rebooting Government

We’re on to something big. Engaged citizens around the country are waking up to the fact that they don’t have to wait around for a web-enabled government. They’re making apps to better understand the landscape of crime in their neighborhoods. They’re organizing their communities to bring apps to their cities by joining a Code forRead… Read more »

A Model Brigade Story

We’re all trying to understand what it means to code for America where we live. We have web skills and we want to use them, generally to make the world a better place, specifically to improve interfaces to our local governments and the ways in which our communities use the web in civic life. AsRead… Read more »

CfA Apps: Ends or Means?

We spend a lot of time at Code for America, well…coding. This is based on our belief that writing software is a more direct path to change than writing white papers. But we also understand that our apps are likely to fade away over time, and that the lasting effects of our work might beRead… Read more »

CTOvision Mobile Application for iPhone, iPad and Android

The CTOvision Mobile Application is available for iPhone, iPad and Android users. Please download your app today by visiting your favorite app store. Here is a bit more on the app and pointers to download sites: The application focuses on content we create for technologists, so you will find our blog content and CTOlabs techRead… Read more »