Yearly Archives: 2012

Monitoring Algae With Satellites, Justice May Take Action Against Facilities Used In Cyber Attacks, and More

Here is today’s federal cybersecurity and information technology news: The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration is using satellite imagery to monitor harmful algae blooms in Lake Erie’s western basin as part of a new pilot program. More here. The Department of Justice may put cybersecurity experts into department offices to take legal action against computerRead… Read more »

OS X Mountain Lion released, Nexus Q shipping and more

Mountain Lion brings the latest updated Mac OS to the consumer today Here are the tech stories that we at CTOVision feel are most important today. While Apple’s Mountain Lion has been in beta and review versions since February, today is the first day you can buy it. The price (only $20) isn’t bad, andRead… Read more »

How Are You Improving Employee Communications?

Communication between departments always seems to be a challenge for most organizations, and is often rated among the top issues needing improvement. For those of us in the communications field, the problem looms large, as the issue is often dropped in our laps with a directive to “fix it.” Unfortunately, there are limits to whatRead… Read more »

Federal Government Transitioning to e-Procurement

The Government Accountability Office (GAO) has reported via Federal News Radio that seven agencies have made extensive progress in implementing the “cloud first” initiative required by the Office of Management and Budget. The seven agencies being lauded for their transition to cloud computing include Agriculture, Health and Human Services, Homeland Security and the Treasury Department.Read… Read more »

Communication Breakdown: Greenland Is Melting

Is Greenland melting? Has the ice cap suddenly disappeared from this frosty island? That’s the conclusion I drew after skimming DCist this morning, which had the headline: Nearly All of Greenland Melted in Span of Four Days, NASA Finds And then below was this alarming graphic: And here’s the lede: This is kind of scary.Read… Read more »

Clementine Breslin: Why I’m Coding For America

My mother has worked for the government all of my life. I mean, quite literally, all of my life. I was barely a year old when my mother interviewed to be an Assistant United States Attorney. She got the job and has been working in the city of Newark, New Jersey for more than twentyRead… Read more »

Dan Chenok’s House Committee Testimony: Innovation and Cloud Computing

The following was originally posted by Dan Chenok, the Executive Director of the IBM Center for the Business of Government. I am testifying today before the U.S. House Judiciary Subcommittee on Intellectual Property, Competition, and the Internet. I outline how Cloud computing can transform our society and government, save money, and increase efficiency and effectiveness.Read… Read more »

Beyond the Conference — More insights from NextGen Speakers

Happy Friday!!!! We hear at the DorobekINSIDER are at the Next Generation of Government Leadership Conference. If you can’t make it in person you can still live stream the entire conference here and we will be blogging and taking lots of photos. If you can make it down, stop by and say hi to theRead… Read more »