Yearly Archives: 2012

Way to Go, Amazon!

I am an Amazon.Com customer – have been since Jeff Bezos launched it in 1995. It’s still evolving as an innovative on-line commerce platform. They have initiated a socially responsible program worth noting. Today my visit to the site opened with a letter from Jeff – about an investment in the future. He announced aRead… Read more »

Senior Data Scientist Speaks to Open Data Movement

The Open Government Initiative ushered in many new projects geared toward making government information more accessible to the public. With, many government datasets were made easily accessible to the public. Ideally, access to this information would promote citizen innovation as datasets were utilized by the public singularly, or as mash-ups, to create valuable applications.Read… Read more »

The Chertoff Group Hires Dr. Prescott Winter

I just read a press release from the Chertoff Group that I would like to share with you. It is about a friend and IT hero of mine, Dr. Pres Winter. The release is pasted below: The Chertoff Group Hires Dr. Prescott Winter July 23, 2012 WASHINGTON, D.C. -The Chertoff Group is pleased to announceRead… Read more »

Political Ads Apps… Fact Check This Please!

With the impending elections only a few months out, the onslaught of commercials has begun. From “America the Beautiful” to “Wasteful Spending”, both sides are already making negative statements about the other. Without significant background knowledge to provide context for these commercials, the half-truths and partial quotes create an environment where it is easy toRead… Read more »

Redeeming the Tragedy in Aurora

BEHAVIORAL HEALTHCARE July 24, 2012 by Ron Manderscheid 0 Comments Share on facebookShare on linkedinShare on twitterShare on google | More Sharing ServicesShare | Print Are we prepared to take action to improve our mental health response to this tragedy? (Note: The following commentary is virtually identical to one that I prepared 18 months agoRead… Read more »

Sharing policies, patterns, recipes & code across government

This morning at the Drupal Downunder event I learnt about the New Zealand Features site which shares recipes for re-usable Drupal code and patterns across NZ government. To me this is representative of one of the significant opportunities I’ve seen for government in Australia emerging out of Gov 2.0 thinking and tools is the abilityRead… Read more »

Review of “The Rise of Social Government” by the Fels Institute

The federal government’s use of social media—including Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, YouTube, and other sites—draws no end of press coverage, and for good reason: in the past three years, federal agencies have been engaging citizens through Facebook (NASA has more fans than the population of Denver, CO) and Twitter (The State Department has more followers thanRead… Read more »