Yearly Archives: 2012

Here’s Your Opportunity to Give Your Opinion of How Effective the Obama Administration Has Been

Feds – Federal News Radio needs your help. Give us your opinion on how effectively the Obama administration has managed the government by taking their online survey.—4-years-later It will be interesting to see the results of this survey, which looks back to the last 4 years to assess the progress the administration has makeRead… Read more »

Does Public Access to Government Prevent ‘Idiocracy’ or Limit Innovation?

By Sam Williford, Associate Consultant Recently, Governor Brown and the California legislature approved a bill that would allow local governments the option not to send out advance notice of public meetings, or provide minutes from closed sessions (known as the Brown Act, not related to the current governor), in an effort to stem the tideRead… Read more »

Optimal performance, gamification and government

The point of this post:By incorporating some of the characteristics of successful games into our work, we can improve our performance. I’ve been reading a book called Flow: the psychology of optimal experience recently. Reading the book, I was reminded of “gamification”, a concept that you wouldn’t think would have much to do with theRead… Read more »

Vapor Trails

Ima go Star Trek nerd on you for a minute. My favorite Star Trek movie is “Wrath of Khan.” My *second favorite* is directed by the same guy, Nicholas Meyer: “The Undiscovered Country.” This is the movie with Kirk and McCoy framed and imprisoned for the murder of a Klingon Ambassador, meanwhile the real assassinRead… Read more »

How eDiplomacy is changing the State Dept. and Crowdfunding Civic Projects

Happy Monday we are just days away from GovLoop’s Next Generation of Government Training Summit happening later this week. On today’s DorobekINSIDER The State Department is the federal government’s first agency, so you talk about a culture. But the State Department has been at the forefront of what is being called eDiplomacy or digital diplomacy.Read… Read more »

Crowdfunding Civic Projects — Interest Groups Playground or a Cost Cutting Solution?

Did you ever have something that you wanted done in your community — but your elected leaders wouldn’t pay attention or kept saying that they don’t have the money. What if you could have like minded people come together to help fund those projects. The idea — the crowdfunding of civic projects — has someRead… Read more »

DorobekINSIDER: 7 stories you need to know: The Houses passes a military pay raise

The SEVEN stories that impact your life for Monday the 23rd of July, 2012 The House has approved a $606 billion Defense Department spending bill. The bill includes a pay raise for military members but not the Pentagon’s civilians. Government Executive says the bill provides $518 billion in non-war funding — that is lower thanRead… Read more »

How Disruptive Technologies are keeping the State Department ahead of the curve!

100 years ago the telegraph was thought of as a disruptive technology. “The importance of getting ahead of the technological curve is imperative. Otherwise you become irrelevant. Many wars could have been prevented if governments had adopted the telegraph quicker,” said Richard Boly the Director in the office of ediplomacy at the State Department. BolyRead… Read more »

EXCEL 2012 UPDATE: Keynote and Plenary Speakers on 7/31-8/1

*** EEOC EXCEL UPDATE *** CIVIL RIGHTS LEADER CARLOS MUÑOS and EEOC CHAIR JACQUELINE BERRIEN will speak at EXCEL 2012 on July 31. EEOC Commissioner Chai Feldblum will speak at Federal Sector Training Event on August 1. (REGISTER) Carlos Muños, Jr., a central figure in the struggles for civil and human rights and aRead… Read more »