Yearly Archives: 2012

How to Sharpen Your Job Search

Been hunting for a new job for awhile? Or thinking of starting a job search? Summer is a great time to ‘sharpen your saw’to quote an old proverb. Too many people just update an old resume, tell all their friends that they need a new job, and look at ads online. Not the best methods!Read… Read more »

Reforming the Procurement System

Over the last two weeks, three events have highlighted the need for fundamental reform of procurement processes, procedures, and regulations in order to deliver a more efficient and effective procurement system. On July 11th, Joe Jordan, Administrator for Federal Procurement Policy, and Dan Tangherlini, Acting Administrator of the General Services Administrator, briefed the President’s ManagementRead… Read more »

July Legal Corner

GSA Schedule Option Extensions – A Time of Risk and Opportunity Guest Bloggers: Bill Bressette & Jeff Clayton, Baker Tilly Many contractors don’t fully understand the disclosures that form the basis for the negotiated prices on their GSA Schedule contracts, but a company’s failure to keep those disclosures current may expose it to audit riskRead… Read more »

Leadership Without the Ego

Wired magazine just published a cover story on whether Steve Jobs’ leadership style should be emulated. I have my own thoughts on this which I will save for another posting but the article did remind me of a recent book on leadership that would be a great read for public sector leaders. In J. KeithRead… Read more »

Traffic Optimization

Most of what I read about SEO, metatags, website tuning, is aimed at attracting citizens of a global web. That certainly sounds impressive, but I haven’t had much use for it. Most of my web promotion is targeted to a specific community, for a limited time, a specific event. The web destination delivers the experience,Read… Read more »

Get Your Public Works Questions Answered Here!

Have you ever had a question about something related to public works? Sewers, roads, water, garbage, engineering, GIS, general government, or anything else related to what we do? Well, we’re trying out a new service that would allow anyone to post or answer a question related to public works. Maybe you work in the fieldRead… Read more »

Forget Talk of Policy: Focus on People

Since coming onboard as new Administrator of The Office of Federal Procurement Policy (OFPP), Joe Jordan has seemingly looked to policy, regulations, and guidance on tactical execution to help solve the procurement woes that are being faced by the federal government. However, it has been some time since OFPP focused on what really is theRead… Read more »

Work-Life Balance: Can Female Feds “HAVE IT ALL”?

Some media elites are beating the drum over whether today’s working women “can have it all“? — as they put it. That is, achieving a successful work life as a career professional and a fulfilling home life as a mother/spouse. Is mastering the socalled work-life balance too much to expect of women in the fastRead… Read more »

Selecting the right tool for the job of online citizen engagement

This report was brought to my attention by Sandy Heierbacher in the Online Engagement Group at LinkedIn, and I thought it well worth sharing more widely. Also blogged about by Sandy at the US National Coalition for Deliberation and Democracy (NCDD), in the post The Promise and Problems of Online Deliberation, the report provides aRead… Read more »