Yearly Archives: 2012

TSP Talk – 07/21/12

Europe trumps earnings Second quarter earnings have been pretty good so far and we hadn’t been seeing the typical mid-July “sell the news” reaction this year, but troubles in Europe with Spanish yields rising well above 7% on Friday, a new high in the euro era, and stocks backed off. Here are the TSP fundRead… Read more »

@NRA_Rifleman’s faux pas during the CO #theatershooting resulted in deleted account

This morning in the chaotic hours after the #theatershooting in Denver, CO, the National Rifle Association‘s Twitter account @NRA_Rifleman tweeted a very cheerful tweet: sent 9:20 am EST: “@nra_rifleman: Good morning, shooters. Happy Friday! Weekend plans?— Edmund Lee (@edmundlee) July 20, 2012 The tweet was quickly retweeted and people responded in disbelief. Later this afternoonRead… Read more »

Obama Pushes for Cybersecurity Act, Alleged Amazon Hacker Arrested, and More

Here is today’s federal cybersecurity and information technology news: President Obama urged lawmakers to pass the Cybersecurity Act of 2012 that would create a public-private partnership to set cybersecurity standards for critical infrastructure. More here. The U.S. Census Bureau plans to launch an economic statistics app for iPhone and Android devices and is streaming dataRead… Read more »

The local government CIO – We serve the people who serve the people

In my continuing quest to ensure that local governments are recognized for the services they provide to the public, I bring you the first of several profiles of local government CIOs. With limited budgets, constraints from the county and state and under the unending watch of citizens, local technology departments are tasked with providing consistentlyRead… Read more »

YGL Considering More Sponsors

Young Government Leaders is considering adding more sponsors, We can expand the depth and breadth of the services we provide to our members while developing new partnerships. We’d like your opinions on what sponsors you think would be a strong fit for YGL. Please leave suggested sponsors in the comment section below.

Big Data: Integrate for Insight

Big data continues to be one of the hottest trends in government. A recent report from Oracle, Integrate for Insight, states, “Enterprises must learn to understand how best to leverage big data soon, since the amount of data being generated shows no signs of slowing down.” With the adoption of social channels by government, citizens,Read… Read more »