Yearly Archives: 2012

What Happens After Performance Numbers Are Reported?

Most local governments resist setting and evaluating performance goals. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to their credit requires local governments that receive HUD funds to submit a Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER). The CAPER explains how a local government is carrying out its housing and community development strategies, projects,Read… Read more »

A Preview Of Three Telemedicine Pilots From Childrens Hospital Boston

Arundhati Parmar (Minneapolis, MN) – Cheap communications technologies have brought more muscle to the field of telemedicine, and organizations are looking to leverage these tools in innovative ways to provide care to patients at a distance. At Children’s Hospital Boston, several telemedicine pilots are currently underway to determine their viability. At the MedCity CONVERGE ConferenceRead… Read more »

When does organised action turn into ‘gaming the system’ in online engagements?

It can be difficult to define the line at which organised responses to an online consultation or engagement change from being legitimate activity by an interest group to ‘gaming’ the system to influence the outcome. For that matter it can be just as difficult in a paper-based or face-to-face process. Just who does a lobbyRead… Read more »

Checking In w/ 2011 Fellow Jeremy Canfield

I caught up with 2011 Fellow Jeremy Canfield to see what’s he’s up to and find out what it was like to wear one of those blue track jackets. He’s what he had to say: In 50 words or less describe your Code for America fellowship experience. Unforgettable. What’s it like taking a year offRead… Read more »

Where does a hybrid conference occur?

What happened in 1974? Where does a hybrid conference occur? And why should you care about avatars? Never have meeting planners needed to know more about virtual meetings. Costs for in-person conferences are rising, but attendance isn’t. Both the media and legislators are scrutinizing government meeting expenditures. The White House has directed agencies to cutRead… Read more »

Best Practices for Excellent Customer Service in Government

GovLoop Research Report: Re-Imagining Customer Service In Government GovLoop is proud to announce our latest resource, The GovLoop Research Report: Re-Imagining Customer Service in Government. In this report, experts in the field provide insights and best practices to improve customer service in government. This is our fifth and final post, but be sure to checkRead… Read more »

Free NASA Console Video Game, Justice Sues Telecom for not Providing Customer Information, and More

Here is today’s federal cybersecurity and information technology news: Senator Al Franken suggested that Congress may need to pass legislation limiting the way government agencies and private companies use facial recognition technology. More here. Obama administration officials opposed Digital Accountability and Transparency Act after it was approved by the House of Representatives. More here. TheRead… Read more »

Farm Service Agency Improves Digital Communications Strategy

Moving from paper based communications to digital is never an easy process. With increasing use of the web and the changing norms of how people consume information, a sound digital communications strategy is key to reach stakeholders. Recently, the USDA’s Farm Service Agency has made the switch to provide farmers with more information digitally. ARead… Read more »