Yearly Archives: 2012

GovGeek setups: Steph Gray

The first in an occasional series of posts written by prominent geeks working in and around government, talking about the tools they use to do their jobs. Steph Gray Who are you, and what do you do? I run Helpful Technology, a little two-person digital engagement agency that helps mainly public sector and not-for-profit clientsRead… Read more »

The FBI Wants to Read Tattoos, Widespread Industrial Control Software Vulnerability, and More

Here is today’s federal cybersecurity and information technology news: The Transportation Security Administration has failed to comply with a year-old U.S. Court of Appeals order to hold public hearings to decide on body scanner rules and regulations. More here. The Federal Bureau of Investigation is seeking technology that can spot criminals and terrorists by recognizingRead… Read more »

Identity and Reputation in the Age of Big Data

Editor’s note: The following was written by Kord Davis from a post originally at KordIndex. Kord is the author of a forthcoming book on Ethics of Big Data. – bg The Reputation Workshop is exploring some great topics on how identity and reputation are being influenced by big data. Identity and reputation are twoRead… Read more »

Are you interested in teaming with a highly-qualified small business for the NASA Organizational Development consulting, coaching and mediation RFP?

Strategic Partners, Inc. (SPI) is experiencing rapid and dramatic growth and as a result, we are currently looking for the right people to join our team on a contract/consultant basis. SPI, which has been in business since 1996, provides consulting, coaching, and training solutions in the areas of recruiting and retaining employee, developing effective leadership,Read… Read more »

What Happened To The Management Pyramid?

The traditional management pyramid became popular after WWII, showing one guy at the top and a majority of people at the bottom. There were successive layers of fewer people going up, and business types thought their career was moving up the pyramid. I don’t think I got the memo that said that the likelihood ofRead… Read more »

Technology – Moving at the speed of?

When I was an Inspector I used to love visiting the chemical plants. I watched new technology create plastics as hard as steel, new steels being made that lasted longer and resisted corrosion and watched new vehicles become more fuel efficient with computerization. When I grew up in the 60’s and 70’s, no one wouldRead… Read more »

Transportation Management: New Bill Targets Safety and Efficiency

America’s critical infrastructure – its bridges, highway systems and roads, in particular – has become a more frequent topic of concern for transportation management professionals, especially as the economic downturn has seen fewer funds diverted to upkeep, repair and expansion. Last week, however, Congress took steps to make safety and efficiency improvements that will certainlyRead… Read more »

10 Benefits of Executive Coaching

FCG has a variety of resources on their website, although the guide, The FCG Executive Coaching Guide, Steps for a Successful Coaching Partnership was published in 2002, there is a lot useful information, and shows how an executive coach can help improve performance within an agency. One section of the guide identifies that traditionally thereRead… Read more »