Yearly Archives: 2012

The Art of Map Making – How Great Maps Tell Compelling Stories

I recently read a blog post by Bern Szukalski, There’s Something about a Map, on the ESRI blog, Bern states, “There’s something about a good map. It’s hard for me to describe exactly what that something is, but like many of us involved with GIS and geographic information, I’ve always been drawn to and fascinatedRead… Read more »

Cloud Computing and the CIO — Insights from EPA’s Malcolm Jackson and Partial Retirements for Feds

On Today’s Edition of the DorobekINSIDER Doing more with less — open government — cloud computing: they’re only some of the challenges facing the EPA. We’ll talk to the agency’s Chief Information Officer — Malcolm Jackson. Click here for the full story. Part-time retirement is now a reality. But should you consider it? We’ll findRead… Read more »

The Changing Role of the CIO — Insights from EPA’s CIO Malcolm Jackson

Cloud computing — it is making a big difference in how agency Chief Information Officers do their jobs. The cloud means CIOs are able to be less focused on infrastructure IT and more focused on deploying new technologies in faster and cheaper ways. Malcolm Jackson is the Chief Information Officer at the EPA. He toldRead… Read more »

2012 Digital Counties Winners Announced: Fairfax County, VA

Yesterday, the Center for Digital Government and the Digital Communities program announced the winning counties in this year’s survey competition to identify leaders in the digital field. Four winners were named in various population categories. These four leading communities implemented new initiaties this year that created positive results and cost savings for, despite scarce funding.Read… Read more »

NextGen Topic: Civic Engagement & Open Innovation 7/26 @ 1:15

The application of technology to government has evolved into an incredible environment of creative change. Just as Tim O’Reilly predicted, now is the age of government as a platform. Raw open data is being made readily available to the public, which has created new applications, tools, and ways to access information and services. The ThursdayRead… Read more »

Identify and Prepare for Changes

Paul J. H. Schoemaker has a great article 9 Ways to See Change Coming. To master the art of anticipation, he recommends: Look for game changing information at the periphery of their business Search beyond the boundaries of current, prevailing views Recognize potential changes before the competition does Connect the dots of incipient trends byRead… Read more »

4 Tips on Prepping for NextGen

Are you excited for Next Generation of Government Training Summit next week? Honestly, this is my favorite 2 days of the year. 500+ government leaders, 100+ speakers, 40+ sessions. There’s a lot going on – so how do you make the most of your time at NextGen both for you personally and to bring backRead… Read more »

Partial Retirement — Can’t just spend your days golfing?

A new phased retirement option has been approved by Congress and signed into law by President Obama. The Federal Employee Phased Retirement Act represents a significant change in how federal employees and agencies will plan for retirement. Employees can now take phased retirement for a few years at the end of a career. Steve LoseyRead… Read more »

Aftershokz Bone Conducting Headphones: A New Way To Listen

Bone conducting headphones, which transmit sound through your skull rather than your eardrums, are not new. They have been in use by special operations and SWAT teams around the world and have been available for commercial purchase for years. Initial offering, however, were expensive and performed poorly until Aftershokz entered the market with offerings betweenRead… Read more »