Yearly Archives: 2012

4 Tips on Prepping for NextGen

Are you excited for Next Generation of Government Training Summit next week? Honestly, this is my favorite 2 days of the year. 500+ government leaders, 100+ speakers, 40+ sessions. There’s a lot going on – so how do you make the most of your time at NextGen both for you personally and to bring backRead… Read more »

Partial Retirement — Can’t just spend your days golfing?

A new phased retirement option has been approved by Congress and signed into law by President Obama. The Federal Employee Phased Retirement Act represents a significant change in how federal employees and agencies will plan for retirement. Employees can now take phased retirement for a few years at the end of a career. Steve LoseyRead… Read more »

Aftershokz Bone Conducting Headphones: A New Way To Listen

Bone conducting headphones, which transmit sound through your skull rather than your eardrums, are not new. They have been in use by special operations and SWAT teams around the world and have been available for commercial purchase for years. Initial offering, however, were expensive and performed poorly until Aftershokz entered the market with offerings betweenRead… Read more »

Sunlight Foundation’s 33 Recommendations for Open Data Policies

This morning I was reading a recent blog post by Laurenellen McCann, Open Data Policy Guidelines, from the Sunlight Foundation. I found the blog post fascinating, and believed this would be a great resource for the GovLoop community to check out, especially if you are involved in Gov 2.0 or open data initiatives within yourRead… Read more »

Restaurant Week DC, August 13 – 19

This is my twice yearly public service blog about Restaurant Week in DC (August 13 – 19). Do you take advantage of this? Restaurant Week takes place twice a year, once in the frigid cold of the post-holidays and then again in the dog days of August. Times when diners are likely to be few.Read… Read more »

Student Loan Repayment Boosts Federal Workforce

Turns out, paying back student loans can result in more and better candidates for job openings within the federal workforce and better retention and satisfaction once they’re hired. As the No. 1 federal department in helping employees pay back their student loans, the Department of Defense cities the program designed for doing so as aRead… Read more »

Another Exciting Year for the National Veterans Wheelchair Games

The Paralyzed Veterans of America recently wrapped up their annual wheelchair sports event—the 32ndNational Veterans Wheelchair Games, which HP attended as a proud sponsor. The event was held in Richmond, Va., and included more than 500 athletes competing in a variety of sports. The event was made even more special because it was considered aRead… Read more »