Yearly Archives: 2012

Castles in the Sky

Meet Jesse Bounds. From Wall Street to 9th Street Jesse has literally climbed mountains (and one glacier) in search of more meaningful work. A search that led him here to 155 9th Street, home to staff and fellows of Code for America. Watch Jesse’s journey: If you want the see and touch and feel theRead… Read more »

5 Leadership Lessons You’ll Always Need

Today I wanted to spend some time reflecting on some leadership lessons I have learned and observed from GovLoop, and during my career. Whether you are the newest employee at an organization, the new young gun, or the elder statesmen, there is always room to grow as a leader. You can’t wake up and beRead… Read more »

How to Fix Procurement with Technology

About a month ago, I was lucky enough to participate in the Startup Weekend Government challenge. While there were lots of ideas that were interesting, my favorite idea was related to improving acquisition process through technology. The team’s final product GS Agility ended up winning the grand prize and I love the idea of aRead… Read more »

Emergency Planning & the Disaster Supply Kit

Few would disagree on the importance of emergency planning and management in the face of natural catastrophe or disaster. However, many Americans tend to overlook or disregard the simple process of creating such a plan for themselves or their family and implementing a disaster supply kit for such emergencies. There are numerous resources online, foundRead… Read more »

NASA’s Space Robot App, FBI Investigates Chinese Firm For Selling Iran US SurvNeillance Tech, and More

Here is today’s federal cybersecurity and information technology news: U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement has seized 70 websites for alleged copyright infringement. More here. The National Institute of Standards and Technology has updated security standard for the Personal Identity Verification cards for all federal employees and contractors to account for technological change. More here. TheRead… Read more »

The Digital Advantage with Natural Disasters

Natural disasters, such as the recent forest fire outbreaks in Colorado, are often thought as “Acts of God” that cannot be tamed, or avoided. The best you can do when you know a natural disaster is headed your way, like a tornado or forest fire, is stock up on supplies, prepare your home as bestRead… Read more »

7 Tips to Land a Job and The Great Myth of the Millennial Generation

This week I spoke at George Washington University to the professional organization, AABPA, American Association for Budget and Program Analysis. The demographic was graduate and undergraduate students from across the country, many of them spending their summer in Washington, DC, as interns for the federal government. My presentation (found below) focused on GovLoop, all ofRead… Read more »

Friday the 13th Not Feared by Government and Contractors

The government and contractors are both busy with sequestration fears, but with Friday the 13th approaching, I found myself wondering whether triskaidekaphobia was actually a more immediate concern. Knowing that many buildings, particularly older ones, do not have a 13th floor (Otis Elevators puts the figure at 85 percent for the buildings it serves), IRead… Read more »

Weekly Round-up: July 13, 2012

Gadi Ben-Yehuda Psst! NIST on PIV. FedScoop reports that “The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) released the second draft version of its updated security standard for identity credentials in personal identity verification cards, also known as PIV cards. The document. . . is now open for public comment” Kickstarter, for roads? Rob GoodspeedRead… Read more »