Yearly Archives: 2012

From “Zero to Civic” in 5 Minutes

One of the most powerful things about open government data is all of the options it enables. Open data is the single most important ingredient in civic apps, and it can also power visualizations, mashups, and countless other civic uses. The very best open data typically lends itself to several different kinds of uses. WhenRead… Read more »

GovBytes: Municipal Wireless Networks: Next Stop Chicago?

What would it take for a city to be able to call itself “one of the most livable” in America? Some qualifications that come to mind include: quality transportation infrastructure, affordable housing and utility options, schools that prepare children for bright futures, clean open spaces for enjoying the natural world, zero crime, friendly neighbors… theRead… Read more »

FEMA’s National Preparedness Month & Award Nominations

September is FEMA’s National Preparedness Month and part of this event is the announcement of the 2012 Individual and Community Preparedness Awards recipients. These awards recognize outstanding individuals, organizations, Citizen Corps Councils, and programs that work to create safer, stronger, and well-prepared communities that can withstand emergency events and disaster. The application period is openRead… Read more »

Defining Persistence

This year’s NAGC Communications School provided great opportunities to learn, network and hear great speakers. The breakout sessions touched on numerous topics relevant to government communicators and the challenges we face each day. One of the most engaging and interesting breakout sessions was the session about journalists’ perceptions of public information officers. Anyone who heardRead… Read more »

The rise of the Chief Innovation Officer and the grim outlook for federal contractors

On today’s edition of the DorobekINSIDER We have CIOs, CFOs — does there need to be a chief innovation officer? We’ll talk about what the position is and how it might work. Click here for the full story. The outlook for government contractors might be grim, but there are some areas of growth. We’ll takeRead… Read more »

What’s behind Raleigh’s open data portal?

Open government scored another victory when the City of Raleigh announced the Open Raleigh initiative—an online repository with open data, web and mobile applications, and links to participatory tools and organizations. It’s all part of Raleigh’s open source strategy focusing on transparency, collaboration, and improved access to information. It’s proof of the ongoing work ofRead… Read more »

DOI Forums

Have you heard about DOI’s Forum Series? The SES Forums are focused on organizational management and open to SES, GS-15 and GS-14 leaders throughout the Government. The Career, Diversity and Leadership (CDL) Forums are focused on career and personal development. Agencies can buy seats for individual events or on an annual basis for both forumsRead… Read more »

Fourth Annual SAVE Awards

Another year, another opportunity to tell the Obama Administration how to save money. Federal employees can submit their efficiency ideas in the 4th annual SAVE Award competition. The winner will be invited to the White House to present his or her idea to the President and the top ideas will be included in the Administration’sRead… Read more »

The Demise of the Personal Dashboard

I was recently asked how I would architect a personalized dashboard experience for visitors to a large, customer-facing website. My response? I wouldn’t. A dashboard in a car or airplane makes sense. It’s not as if I could click “speedometer” while driving or press the “altimeter” button while flying. I simply need everything at allRead… Read more »

Improving Army and Navy Pilots With Computers, and More

Here is today’s federal cybersecurity and information technology news: The U.S. Army is seeking wearable computers for helicopter pilots rather than redesigning and replacing consoles for existing aircraft. More here. The Office of Naval Research wants monitoring, alarm, and mitigation systems to prevent oxygen deprivation in pilots. More here. President Obama signed an executive orderRead… Read more »