Yearly Archives: 2012

Link roundup

I find this stuff so you don’t have to: HELLO CAMPERS: Three years on from the first localgovcamp… so whats changed? – Nice bit of reflection from Dan Slee ahead of Saturday’s shindig. Knowledge Hub: A response – Steve Dale gives part of his side of the story. Refocusing our efforts and investments | TalisRead… Read more »

Mapping government policies online – Govmonitor, a great new aussie site

For all the attention on government policies, the various announcements and documentation on political party sites, it can be very difficult to compare and contrast where different parties sit on different issues and, for governments, difficult to keep track of whether they are sticking to their election policies or amending them for pragmatic, political orRead… Read more »

Reviewing Access to Information Legislation

Just got informed – via the CivicAccess mailing list – that Canada’s Access to Information Commissioner is planning to review Canada’s Access to Information legislation (full story here at the Vancouver Sun). This is great news. Canada has long trumpeted its Access to Information Legislation as world leading. This was true… in 1985. It wasRead… Read more »

Tornadoes & Strawberry Yogurt

Aggregating data across multiple enterprise systems isn’t something new. Companies like SAP and Oracle have offered such end-to-end solutions for years now, and the largest supply chain organizations in the world have already bought-in. Supply chain organizations concern themselves with sourcing products from all over the world to get anywhere else in the world. SupplyRead… Read more »

Register today for Thursday’s NCDD Confab Call on civic infrastructure

The term “civic infrastructure” certainly is buzzing in our field these days. The Orton Family Foundation launched the exciting CommunityMatters partnership (with NCDD and 6 other organizations) with the primary goal of building civic infrastructure in communities. Harold McDougall (who may be the first to use the term) just wrote in the Huffington Post aboutRead… Read more »

Tracking License Plates, Tracking Cellphones, and More

Here is today’s federal cybersecurity and information technology news: The National Vehicle Location Service, which has over 685 million continually updated images of license plates, will soon be available to the Department of Homeland Security for locating fugitive aliens. More here. The government funded National Strategy for Trusted Identities in Cyberspace will convene this summerRead… Read more »

Webinar: Unify Data Silos with MarkLogic

Unifying the View Across Data Silos … Easily! In this 60-minute webinar, the nation’s leading Health Information Exchange (HIE) provider, ICA, and MarkLogic will discuss how to bridge existing silos without “ripping out and replacing”. Companies today still try to end these silos with a rigid, lengthy approach, involving costly remapping and transformation into aRead… Read more »

Navigating the Miserable Workplace

I was reading Deb Green’s post, Preventing the Miserable Workplace — that was miraculously trending on the GovLoop homepage this morning, four months after its original publish date — and it reminded me of a conversation I had with a fed employee friend who is unequivocally unhappy with his workplace. Deb’s post is about howRead… Read more »