Yearly Archives: 2012

Submit a Resume or Get Engaged

I’m surrounded by young people this week. Many of them are holding temporary assignments while they either figure out what they want to do or get a phone call with the right job offer. They’re in USAJobs, applying for jobs, and they are busy comparing and submitting their resumes. “I’m getting good feedback about myRead… Read more »

What Does the Digital Government Strategy Mean for the Future of Gov 2.0?

Twenty-one months ago, I outlined four scenarios for the future of Gov 2.0. Here is a brief recap: SteamGov – The Federal government still uses large, centralized IT architectures and the average Federal worker’s work technology is less capable than the worker’s personal technology. Google.Gov – The Federal government is greatly reduced in size whileRead… Read more »

Alan Silberberg’s Gov 2.0 LA

Considered an “un-conference,” Gov 2.0 LA is the mind child of innovator and analyst Alan Silberberg that has been taking place every year since 2010. it brings together many people from around the world and from different fields to talk about Gov 2.0 and the technology surrounding it. Gov 2.0 LA streams the videos onlineRead… Read more »

Health Care Security is a Fundamental Freedom — Part III

Corporate America Gone Wild! Some opponents of health care reform assert that the Affordable Care Act will result in a lack of personal freedom due to the so-called individual mandate. But what about our freedom from Corporate America gone wild? Freedom from Wall Street conartists. Freedom from bloated barrons of banking. And freedom from theRead… Read more »

A Politician’s Guide to Social Media

With campaign season in full swing, this video is for public officials and political office candidates. In “A Politician’s Guide to Social Media”, Kristy shares several tips on using social media in the political space. She mentions former Rep. Andrew Weiner, Troy Mayor Janice Daniels, Newark Mayor Cory Booker, Politwoops and more. Get your ownRead… Read more »

Military Service to Civilian Success: Translate Achievements

A resume is an advertisement for what you offer an employer. Far too many people don’t understand this. How do you show what you offer an employer when your experience and success has come in the military environment? Focus on your achievements! The smartest thing you can do on your resume is to demonstrate yourRead… Read more »

Mapping government policies online – Govmonitor, a great new aussie site

For all the attention on government policies, the various announcements and documentation on political party sites, it can be very difficult to compare and contrast where different parties sit on different issues and, for governments, difficult to keep track of whether they are sticking to their election policies or amending them for pragmatic, political orRead… Read more »

Health Care Security is a Fundamental Freedom — Part II of III

It is indeed a rare ocassion in Washington when the three branches of our Federal Government can put aside major ideological differences to act in unison for the greater good of the nation. This historic display of leadership has occurred with the enactment of landmark legislation — the Affordable Care Act — providing access toRead… Read more »