Yearly Archives: 2012

Physical and Cyber Infrastructure Protection Working Together

Can a “whole of nation” approach be the answer to the increasing connectivity of physical and cyber infrastructure protection? Hear insights from DHS experts Suzanne Spaulding, Deputy Under Secretary, National Protection and Programs Directorate and Mark Weatherford, Deputy Under Secretary for Cybersecurity, National Protection and Programs Directorate as they discuss DHS programs in recognition ofRead… Read more »

The U.S.’s Defensive Challenge in Cyberspace

By JonathanTabb In cyberspace it is generally thought that offense has the advantage over defense because defenders must be perfect and attackers only have to be successful once. It is also commonly thought that the U.S. has the biggest space to defend because of its heavy reliance on networks for everyday life and military operations.Read… Read more »

Expansion of Mobility: The Perfect Storm for Government Agencies

Today, technology is a critical component to transform and modernize government to truly create a 21st century government. For our year-end report, the GovLoop team set out to explore what technology trends shaped 2012 to help agencies meet organizational goals. The report also includes best practices, case studies, and identifies which trends will shape governmentRead… Read more »

How to Keep Incremental Funding from Dragging Your Program over the Fiscal Cliff

By John Coombs, CFCM, Fellow During this period of fiscal uncertainty, characterized by continuing resolutions and the approaching “Fiscal Cliff,” many may turn to incremental funding as a means to manage scarce and unpredictable resources. Incremental contract funding is a useful financial tool because it forces the government to closely monitor costs. However, if notRead… Read more »

The Blue Checkmark Gap

12 Percent of State Emergency Management Accounts Marked “Verified” By Twitter (Cross-posting from my Digital PIO blog; originally posted there Oct. 1) I love baseball. I could watch MLB Network around the clock if I didn’t have a job, wife, two little girls and other general societal responsibilities. Like some people, I use my iPhoneRead… Read more »

The Beneficial Impact of Newspaper Paywalls on Users

There continues to be fierce debate about the cost/benefits of newspaper paywalls, a debate Mathew Ingram has been helping drive with a great deal of depth and with excellent links. It is interesting to watch Ingram take on, and have to rebut, the problematic thinking that seems to so frequently comes out of the ColumbiaRead… Read more »

Pricing and a GSA Contract

There is much to learn about federal contracting, especially between your Schedule Solicitation document and the Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR). But there is also a great deal to gain in the federal market. An example is with a manufacturer who gives distributors a 50% discount, retailers a 30% discount, and the list price for generalRead… Read more »

NAGC Communications Director speaks to Russian delegates

By Derrick G. Silas (Деррик Дж. Сайлас), Communications Director for the National Association of GovernmentCommunicators and Web Communications Developer for the City of Enid (Oklahoma). In October 2012, I had the privilege of speaking to Russian delegates who visited Enid, Oklahoma as part of the Open World Program. The program brings young political and civicRead… Read more »

Social Perspectives for the CTO: Engaging Tomorrow = Leadership Today

By BryanDouglass Editor’s note: We first saw this blog at WayIn and asked Bryan Douglass to repost here. We believe the conclusions in this post are relevant to most organizations today, especially federal government organizatioins. – bg. Times have been tough. Consumers lack comfort in spending and businesses are struggling for comfort without them. AsRead… Read more »