Yearly Archives: 2012

Using Consultations to Make Informed Decisions

A perennial lament by advocates of the use of performance measures is that Congress seems to rarely use them in making decisions. Here’s a guide prepared by GAO, along with three examples of how congressional committees have used performance information to make decisions. The Government Accountability Office (GAO) works for Congress and is a bigRead… Read more »

Local Government Roundup

Hey there and welcome to a special edition of the DorobekINSIDER. I hope you had a wonderful and cool Fourth of July. Chris Dorobek is on vacation in Austria, but we couldn’t leave you hanging so I’ve come up with a best of program for you to enjoy. Today’s focus in on local government: TheRead… Read more »

Agile, Iterative, Modular – Get Beyond The Buzzwords

Whether you call it Agile, Iterative, or Modular project management, most agencies are transitioning some of their projects from traditional waterfall methods to techniques that focus on shorter-turnaround, regularly reprioritized deliveries of working products (be that software or other). To increase government workers’ knowledge of these techniques, ASPE, Inc., invites you to register and attendRead… Read more »

Career Opportunity at New World Systems

Solution Architect – Human Resources Position The Solution Architect role is similar to a Business Analyst (BA) or Subject Matter Expert (SME) position in other organizations. The Solution Architect is tasked with being a leader in understanding New World Systems’ solutions and will have significant responsibilities towards defining the vision for our Human Resources productsRead… Read more »

Social Media for Public Participation: Step 2 – Consult

Though informing is the first rung in the public participation ladder, it is the second step, consulting, that two—way communication and the promises it entails become paramount. The IAP2 says that the purpose of consulting is “To obtain public feedback on analysis, alternatives and/or decisions.” In essence, agencies enabling this kind of participation are promisingRead… Read more »

Introducing the New Data Science Group

“The amount of data in our world has been exploding, and analyzing large data sets—so-called big data—will become a key basis of competition, underpinning new waves of productivity growth, innovation, and consumer surplus, according to research by MGI and McKinsey’s Business Technology Office. Leaders in every sector will have to grapple with the implications ofRead… Read more »

Telework: Planned, Unplanned, Whatever

Our recent June 29th derecho event, featuring lightening, thunder, rain, wind, trees falling, and power lines failing, has provided yet another opportunity for people in the Washington, DC area to experience what the Federal government calls “unplanned telework.” As it did when our area suffered through snowstorms and earthquakes, the government provided employees with theRead… Read more »

Is Roz Diane Lasker, MD on your radar screen?

This resource-rich post comes from NCDD member Max Hardy,
 Director of Twyfords
 — a prominent consultancy that works throughout Australia and New Zealand. Max is co-author of the just-published book The Power of Co: The Smart Leaders’ Guide to Collaborative Governance. Is Roz on your radar screen? Leave a comment below to let us know.Read… Read more »

Today’s Government Leaders – Driven By Technology

A feature length article this week from Government Technology showcases how leaders like Newark Mayor Cory Booker (who just co-founded a new video-sharing service) and Alex Torpey (elected Village President of South Orange, NJ, at 23 years old last year) are using new media and other emerging technologies in their work. Highlights from the GovTechRead… Read more »

Deliberative Democracy Around the World

The Kettering Foundation posted the following interviews with Ruby Quantson, a development consultant from Ghana, to their Vimeo channel a couple months ago. They share a specific example of using deliberation to support capacity development efforts of small-scale farmers, look at how public deliberation is being used at the local, national, and international level andRead… Read more »