Yearly Archives: 2012

Happy 4th of July! Brief Reflection on The Four Freedoms

Happy 4th of July to the GovLoop Community! Last night I was reading a little bit about Norman Rockwell, I was feeling patriotic due to the holiday and decide to read a bit about some of his work. Just doing some Googling on Mr. Rockwell I was reminded of his series of paintings, The FourRead… Read more »

CTOvision Monthly Summary: June 2012

CTOvision, CTOlabs and the tech consultancy behind them Crucial Point LLC are all run out of the Washington DC area. We seek global views of technology but this region is definitely our base and we have a very high percentage of readers in the local ecosystem. For those of you here, you know the biggestRead… Read more »

The Cost of Government Secrecy, Brainwave Controlled Video Games to Fight PTSD, and More

Here is today’s federal cybersecurity and information technology news: Excluding intelligence agencies, which keep their costs secret, the U.S. Government spent $11 billion last year keeping classified information secret, twice the cost of classification a decade ago. More here. The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency has built “a prototype for automatically generating and distributing believableRead… Read more »

Do TV Sitcoms give Public Servants a Bad Rap?

Lately I’ve become obsessed with the show Parks and Recreation. I think it’s hysterical — and maybe part of that is because I work around government, and can relate the characters to people I’ve met. But it does make me wonder, is the show reinforcing negative stereotypes about government? For example: 1) Leslie Knope isRead… Read more »

Citizens’ Jury Series on the National Debt in San Francisco

Staring July 9th, and running through the month, members of the Mechanics’ Institute Library in San Francisco can take part in a four-part seminar series about the national debt. The series will be moderated and include a combination of expert speakers, issue study, debate and deliberation. The first seminar, July 9th, 2012, will focus onRead… Read more »

Group Decision Tip: Last Minute Decision Making

In principle, the more information we have about something the better decision we’re likely to make about it. And, we’re likely to have the most information at the last minute. Deciding more than we really need to at any given moment can cause regrets later. Practical Tip: Before you start making decisions, think about theRead… Read more »