Yearly Archives: 2012

IT Functions of the Future

How IT utility is delivered in the future will be less a technical or technology only decision and more a enterprise strategy. Factors such as Operating Costs (Economics), Mobility, Service Reliability, Flexibility and Risk to the Enterprise will come more into play. This suggests that the backroom strategy topic of organizational design will play anRead… Read more »

5 Agile Project Management Tools

More and more agencies are adopting agile methodologies to designing, building and deploying apps and systems. Agile fundamentally differs from traditional development methodologies such as waterfall. It’s such a radical departure, in fact, that it also requires fundamental changes in how you manage agile projects. This is why PMI recently adopted an Agile Project ManagementRead… Read more »

Making Open Government Count – 3 takes

Hey there. I’m Emily Jarvis– the DorobekINSIDER producer — and welcome GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER… where we focus on six words… helping you do your job better… Chris Dorobek is out of the office today on vacation. But we couldn’t leave you hanging. So I’ve compiled some of my favorite interviews on open government. On Today’sRead… Read more »

Five Lessons From Joplin Tornado – Social Media and Disaster Relief

By MICAH L. SIFRY Last week, I had the privilege of talking with Genevieve Williams and David Burton, two of the three authors of “The Use of Social Media for Disaster Recovery,” a 32-page guide built on the experiences they (and their co-author Rebecca Williams) had in the wake of the powerful and destructive tornadosRead… Read more »

Attacks on Industrial Control Systems Spike, Air Force Smartphone Games for New Recruits, and More

Here is today’s federal cybersecurity and information technology news: The Industrial Control Systems Cyber Emergency Response Team within the Department of Homeland Security reports a a 20-fold leap in the number of incidents since the team was created in 2009. More here. The Homeland Security Infrastructure Program gave Colorado authorities fighting deadly wildfires access toRead… Read more »

Open or Complete?

A man is incomplete until he is married. After that, he is finished. – Zsa Zsa Gabor For the last five years I have been trying to understand the tension between enterprise or proprietary development and open source development. A prominent example has been the competition between the iPhone and the Android operating system. WhenRead… Read more »

A Common Approach to Federal Enterprise Architecture – Actionable Solutions

The recent “Common Approach to Federal Enterprise Architecture” (US Executive Office of the President, May 2 2012) is extremely timely and well-organized guidance for the Federal IT investment and deployment community, as useful for Federal Departments and Agencies as it is for their stakeholders and integration partners. The guidance not only helps IT Program PlannersRead… Read more »

Healthcare Reform Upheld: Are You Prepared for the Effects?

My Colleague Dan West has some interesting thoughts on healthcare reform now that the initial dust has cleared… Regardless of your view on the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, yesterday’s Supreme Court decision is a signal to healthcare organizations to continue preparations for change. And if your organization hasn’t started, now’s the time. AnRead… Read more »

What You Can Learn from HHS Facebook Pages (Part 3 of 3)

By Eric Diaz. Blog series originally posted at DK Web Consulting. Click here for Part 1 in the series on HHS Facebook page use. Click here for Part 2. It’s not just the private sector jumping on the social media bandwagon. Government agencies are using the robust Facebook platform to reach the public too. ThisRead… Read more »