Yearly Archives: 2012

GovBytes: Social Media a Major Campaign Tool for Political Candidates

Social media has become a major influencer in the way candidates campaign. Newark’s Cory Booker has over one million followers, and is one of the best examples of a politician successfully utilizing social media. On New Years Eve in 2010, Mayor Booker even responded to a grandson tweeting about his grandfather who needed his drivewayRead… Read more »

To Hash or Not to Hash? A Decision Making Guide

Using a decision-making flowchart, this post helps people determine whether they should include one or more hashtags in their tweets. This guidance is offered as an extension of the recent post, 6 Tips to Avoid Making a Hash of Twitter Hashtags. The post also provides links to additional resources that enable both rookie and moreRead… Read more »

A Social Storm

Friday, brought a “hurricane without warning” to the DC metropolitan area. As has been the case with so many recent disruptions to daily life, social tools had another opportunity to demonstrate their ability to change the way we manage disruption. To be certain, this storm was a particular challenge; as cell network and landline phoneRead… Read more »

Addressing Cyber Instability

The Atlantic Council’s Cyber Statecraft Initiative and the Cyber Conflict Studies Association (CCSA) is holding another excellent event on Tuesday, July 10 for the CCSA’s new capstone report, Addressing Cyber Instability. The report discusses how cyberspace is an inherently unstable national security domain which, due to its characteristics such as low barriers to entry, altersRead… Read more »

CTOvision Mobile Application for Android

CTOvision Mobile is an Android Application designed to bring content from CTOvision, CTOlabs, Twitter and YouTube together for technologists. Download it to your Android device from the Google Play market. The application focuses on content we create for technologists, but it also contains a curated list of coming events we believe are of high interestRead… Read more »

Reducing Regulatory Burdens

On June 22, 2012, the Office of Management and Budget issued a Memorandum for the Heads of Executive Departments and Agenciesentitled “Reducing Reporting and Paperwork Burdens.” The memorandum states that “Eliminating unjustified regulatory requirements, including unjustified reporting and paperwork burdens is a high priority of this Administration.” It then directs agencies to take further stepsRead… Read more »

The Experience Revolution

Last week I chaired a panel at the Citizen 2012 conference in London. We awere talking about how the internet shapes how people access government services, and what government ought to do about it. I was lucky enough to be joined on the panel by Vicky Sargent, Rob McKinnon and Hannah Goraya, each of whomRead… Read more »

Why acidlabs embraces the carbon tax

First, it’s really not a tax. It’s an initially fixed price system that ultimately transitions to a market mechanism. Next, despite the protestations of the rent seekers and the political opponents, it’s far better to do something than nothing in response to anthropogenically-caused climate change. No matter how small that response is on a globalRead… Read more »

City Council Adopts Budget, But Wants More Creativity

The newspaper headline “City Council adopts budget, but wants more creativity” caught my attention. It is rare to see local government officials expressing the need for more creativity in government. With decreasing revenues and state mandates making budget cuts necessary and a public angry about increasing taxes, creativity is definitely needed in the operation ofRead… Read more »

Submission to Bullying Inquiry : The Totalitarian Practices of Corporate Human Resources

The Australian bullying recently announced an inquiry into workplace bullying. The public service should be leading the way in putting a stop to workplace bullying. Sadly, the reality is that there is a gap between what is espoused and what actually happens in the Australian Public Service. Ticking the boxes on administrative processes is notRead… Read more »