Yearly Archives: 2012

HUD Ideas in Action: Empowering Employees to Improve Service

Across the last year, improving customer service and increasing transparency have been two major priorities for organizations. Given this, I was curious to know what agencies were actually doing. As I was scrolling through some of the Customer Service Plan Signature initiatives, I came across HUD’s Ideas in Action. I immediately liked this plan asRead… Read more »

Dave Schulman Rolls Google Apps Practice Into Information Concepts

Information Concepts is a fixed-price software development shop that has done work for almost every major government agency. Our unique approach uses visualization technology to rapidly create simulations of software that look and act like the real thing, capturing feedback from users – all before a single line of code is written. Read more… CallRead… Read more »

Facilitating Frictionless Economic Development—WHAAATT???

I’d like to share with you a sentence that makes me very happy and optimistic about the future of government. It’s from the website that CfA Fellows Ruthie BenDor and Tamara Shopsin are building to help new businesses in Santa Cruz, Calif. understand how to be legit, and to help them become so. It reads:Read… Read more »

NCDD Seattle session app deadline extended until July 10

A bunch of folks have asked for more time to work on their session proposals for the 2012 NCDD conference in Seattle. We decided to extend the deadline for proposals until July 10th (today was the original deadline) to give everybody a bit more time. If you’re working on a proposal and you can getRead… Read more »

Get Out Your Pitchforks and Clean Up That Content

The recently-released federal Digital Government Strategy lays out many promising initiatives that will, no doubt, improve the technology and infrastructure behind online services and, thus, enhance customer experience. Many talented people worked hard to develop this Strategy, and they will continue to work hard on its implementation. But we still don’t have a clear planRead… Read more »

The Cost of Cyber Espionage, Wireless Emergency Alerts, and More

Here is today’s federal cybersecurity and information technology news: C. Frank Figliuzzi, head of the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s counterintelligence division, told congress that foreign hacking and corporate spying against American companies is on the rise, with $13 billion in losses from corporate espionage this year. More here. The Department of Homeland Security Inspector GeneralRead… Read more »

New ‘Reboot America’ Initiative By Startup DC Intermingles Big Business With Tiny Startups To Spur Job Creation, Innovation, and U.S. Competitiveness

Mark Drapeau (Washington, DC) — Tonight at a private invite-only event, Startup DC will launch a new initiative named “Reboot America” with the strategic goals of creating local jobs, improving the DC regional economy, and increasing innovation in America. Reboot America, created by Startup DC in partnership with their national mothership Startup America, is aRead… Read more »