Yearly Archives: 2012

Why I’ll never go back to a non-Google Experience device

Google I/O kicks off today, get ready for the latest and greatest Android news I have been an Android user for my mobile phone for over two years now and using their tablets almost as frequently. I started with the HTC EVO 4G, and have possessed more than ten (no seriously) Android tablets, phones andRead… Read more »

Mark Twain – User Adoption Specialist?

Originally published on Tri Tuns blog Insights. Recently I stumbled on a page of Mark Twain quotes. I realized that the insights and teachings of a man who died decades before modern information systems were even conceived may hold some of the greatest lessons for how to deliver successful technology adoption programs. While Mark, whoRead… Read more »

The Art Of The Start: What The Birth Of Short-Lived Tech Startups Means For The Spirit Of America

Mark Drapeau (Washington, DC) – The prominent startup blog recently published a piece titled, Startup Weekend e-Government DC Produced 13 Innovative, Public Sector-Focused Startups. DC-based technology journalist Alex Howard publicly commented that presentations by teams at the end of a 54-hour startup weekend hosted by Microsoft do not constitute “startups,” and that TechCocktail’s headlineRead… Read more »

Goodbye, We Love Local Government

We Love Local Government, an anonymously written group blog by a bunch of people working in the sector, has closed its doors. How sad! It was a great resource, providing support, advice and amusement for all those working for councils during an incredibly difficult time. Those behind it have decided to move onto other things,Read… Read more »

Frequent Blog Posts and Social Networks Means Success Per Study

Http://LeonardSipes.Com From MarketingCharts.Com: “American and European bloggers are relatively in agreement when it comes to the most effective ways to drive traffic to their blogs, both citing frequent updates and promotion on social networks as their top 2, per an Overblog study released in June 2012. Yet, when it comes to what defines the ultimateRead… Read more »

Mobile Roundup: Hear from 3 government leaders about their biggest challenges and success

Hey there. I’m Emily Jarvis — the producer of the DorobekINSIDER! Chris Dorobek is out of the office this on vacation in Maine. But we couldn’t leave you hanging. So I’ve compiled some of our best interviews and panels on mobile computing. Mobile is a hot topic in government right now especially after the WhiteRead… Read more »