Yearly Archives: 2012

7 Tips from 25 Years in Government IT

Spent the morning checking out Federal Computer Week’s 25 years in review (great read check it out): When reading it, I noticed 7 key themes that have been big over time 1 – Space/telework – Seems like GSA has been trying to consolidate/shrink space for 25 years 2 – Job Description – Problems with outdatedRead… Read more »

Infographic: 15 Ways Students Can Use Microsoft Office 365 Vs. Google Apps

Tony Tai (Redmond, WA) — Whether you are a school’s tech decision-maker, an educator, a parent, or someone who values learning, you know students and care about their success. Successful students are excited about learning, are well-organized and make good use of their time. We prepared an infographic that shows how productive students can maximizeRead… Read more »

Jobs with High Lifetime Earnings

Would you choose a career that you did not really love over one you were deeply passionate about and still earned a good living? If you had to pick one job that would ensure you earned the most money possible in your lifetime, which one would you choose? What are your thoughts on this article?Read… Read more »

Where’s Australia’s robust discussions on democracy, openness and transparency?

Australia is an interesting country. We’re one of the world’s oldest democracies, with a strong tradition of free and independent (of government) media. We have universal public health care and a strong separation between politics and religion and between politics and the enforcement of our laws. We have an apolitical civil service with an extremelyRead… Read more »

Invincea in the news: Tasked by DARPA to create secure android smartphones and tablets.

As a member of the Invincea advisory board I’ve been privileged to get periodic glimpses into virtuous technologies and mission-focused leadership at this very virtuous/positive firm. Their core focus has been in bringing innovative security to organizations through their breach prevention platform. The domain expertise they have built in this area has enabled the deliveryRead… Read more »