Yearly Archives: 2012

Absenteeism in the Public Sector – Is cutting jobs really the solution?

A recent report by the CBC has pegged the cost of federal public service absenteeism at $1B per year. According to the CBC story, the average public servant is taking 18 days a year in sick leave, double what their private sector counterpart does in that same year. While the story does discuss fairly obviousRead… Read more »

Report: Big Pharma Needs More Open Innovation

Deanna Pogorelc (Philadelphia, PA) — Over the next few years, we’ll likely be seeing more stories along the lines of Merck’s $90 million translational research center for scientists, entrepreneurs and venture capitalists; Sanofi’s partnership with Third Rock Ventures to launch a new biotech company; and Johnson & Johnson, GSK and Index Ventures’ new investment fund.Read… Read more »

Join us on a 2-part call series on civic infrastructure

Every community has a physical infrastructure – the streets and roads and sewer lines that connect buildings and allow cities to buzz and grow. But every place also has a civic infrastructure: the social connections, decision-making processes, and formal and informal networks that allow residents to solve problems, work together, and build a thriving community.Read… Read more »

Effective Telecommuting

Telecommuting is a great option for the agency and the employee. It can improve continuity of operations and morale. There are cautions, however, as shown in a recent article from the MIT Sloan Management Review. What I took away was adivce for when you are telecommuting Stay in touch when you are out of theRead… Read more »

Local Governments Can Assist Businesses By Improving Customer Service

Businesses understand the importance of making interactions with customers as easy as possible. Most local governments have a long way to go as far as improving their approach to customer service. Recognizing that government is complicated, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg has launched a Business Customer Service Initiative to make it easier for businessesRead… Read more »

Govloop Project Management Week In Review

For the week ending June 23, 2012 A combination of strategy and tactics posts and discussions graced the Govloop project management community this week, click through and catch up on what you’ve missed. Remember to start new discussions yourself by asking your most pressing questions here with the tag “project management” including the quotes. GainingRead… Read more »